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Ministry of Tourism and Leisure (MINTOUR)



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Head: Maïgari BELLO BOUBA

Training Centres: Ecole Régionale d’Hotellerie et de Tourisme de la CEMAC de Ngaoundéré, Ecole de Faune de Garoua

Organizations under Supervision: Conseil National du Tourisme, Commission Technique Nationale des Établissements et Agences de Tourisme, Hotel SAWA de Douala, Hotel Mont Febé de Yaoundé


The Minister of Tourism and Leisure is like the boss of all the fun and travel things in the country. Their job is to make sure people have a great time when they visit different places and do fun activities.

Here’s what they do:

  • They create rules and plans for things like places to visit and fun places like amusement parks.
  • They come up with ideas to make tourism and fun things better and more exciting.
  • They want people to explore and enjoy their own country, so they help people discover cool places to visit inside the country.
  • They make a list of all the cool places people can go to and have fun, like beautiful tourist spots and fun amusement parks.
  • They make sure hotels, restaurants, and fun places are nice and treat people well.
  • They want amusement parks to be super fun, so they encourage them to be awesome places to play.
  • They set rules to make sure hotels, restaurants, and fun places are safe and good for people.
  • They check if places where people stay and have fun are following the rules.
  • They help people learn about jobs in tourism and hotels, so they can work and make visitors happy.
  • They talk to groups of people who love tourism and want to help the country have more visitors.
  • They watch over what other countries are doing for tourism and fun, and they work with them to make things even more exciting.

The Minister also takes care of special hotels that are owned by the government and schools where people learn how to work in tourism and hotels.

So, the Minister of Tourism and Leisure makes sure people have a fantastic time when they travel and play, and they help the country become a super fun and exciting place to visit.

Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform (MINFOPRA)


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Contact:  222 22 03 56 / 222 23 40 45

Head: Joseph Anderson LE

Organizations under Supervision: ENAM (Ecole Nationale d’Administration et de Magistrature), ISPM (Institut Supérieur de Management Public), CENAM



The Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform is like the manager of the people who work for the government. Their job is to make sure that everyone who works for the government is doing a good job and following the rules.

Here’s what they do:

  • They help make rules about how people who work for the government should act and what they should do.
  • They look after the people who work for the government, except for some special groups like judges, police, and soldiers. They make sure these people do their jobs well.
  • They figure out how many people the government needs to do different jobs and make plans for that.
  • If there are problems between government workers, they help solve them.
  • If someone who works for the government doesn’t do their job well, they make sure there are consequences.
  • They make sure government workers learn new things so they can do their jobs even better.

The Minister also helps the government find ways to work better and faster. They look at how things are done and suggest ways to make them work even better.

They also take care of special schools where people learn how to be good at government jobs.

So, the Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform is like the boss of government workers, making sure they work well, follow rules, and learn new things to help the country run smoothly.

Ministry of Higher Education (MINESUP)


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Current Head: Jacques Fame Ndongo

Partners: Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), AFD (Agence Française de Développement), CAMES (Conseil Africain & Malgache pour l’Enseignement Supérieur)

State Universities:

Name of University Date of Creation Date de fin
Université d’Ebolowa 2021
Université de Bertoua 2021
Université de Garoua 2021
Université Inter-états de Sangmelima-Ouessso
Université de Bamenda 2010
Université de Maroua 2008
Université de Buéa 1993
Université de Douala 1993
Université de Dschang 1993
Université de Ngaoundéré 1993
Université de Yaoundé I 1993
Université de Yaoundé II 1993
Université de Yaoundé 1962 1993


Imagine the Minister of Higher Education as the leader of all the really big schools after the regular schools. Their job is like being the boss of the big kids’ learning.

Here’s what they do:

  • They make sure all the big schools for grown-ups are organized and working well.
  • They help keep the old and important jobs of universities going.
  • They want people to learn new things and share their smart ideas with the world.
  • They help schools in our country work together with schools in other countries.
  • They think about what things people should learn to help our country grow and do better.
  • They plan where all the big schools should be located and check if they are doing a good job.
  • They keep track of important information about these big schools.
  • They check if private schools for grown-ups are doing a good job and teaching well.
  • They take care of schools where teachers learn how to teach in the big schools.
  • They talk to lots of important people to make sure learning helps our country become better.


The Minister also watches over the big exams that people take after the regular school is finished. They also look after special schools where people learn about important things like international relations, communication, sports, and more.

So, the Minister of Higher Education is like the leader of the big schools for grown-ups, making sure everything is working great and people are learning and sharing smart ideas.

Ministry of Secondary Education (MINESEC)


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Contact: +237 222 22 67 16


Current Head: Mme Pauline EBGE NALOVA LYONGA

Organizations under supervision: OBC, GCE Board, MUPES

Partner Organizations:

  • National Institute of Education (under the supervision of the Ministry in charge of Research), FECASE (Fédération Camerounaise des Syndicats de l’Education),
  • SNAEF (Syndicat National Autonome de l’Education et de a Formation),
  • COCAFE (Comité camerounais des femmes enseignantes),
  • CEFAN (Cameroon Education for All Network),
  • Fondation MTN Cameroon,
  • Association des conseillers en économie sociale du Cameroun (ACESF-CA)


Imagine the Minister of Secondary Education as the boss of all the big kids’ schools and the teachers’ training colleges. Their job is like being the leader of these special schools and making sure everything works smoothly.

Here’s what they do:

  • They make sure all the regular and technical high schools are organized and working well.
  • They also look after the special colleges where teachers learn how to teach.
  • They come up with what things students should learn and how they should be taught.
  • They help make sure teachers know how to teach those things properly.
  • They want students to grow up as good people, so they teach them about being good, responsible citizens.
  • They plan where all the high schools should be located and check if they are built properly.
  • They collect and keep track of information about high schools, like how many students go there and how well they do.
  • They watch over both public and private high schools to make sure they are managed well.
  • They help students decide what to study and plan for their education.
  • They make sure there are enough good books for students to read and learn from.
  • They make sure the schools have good buildings and facilities for students to learn comfortably.
  • They also help teachers keep learning and improving their teaching skills.


The Minister also looks after important boards that handle big exams like the Baccalauréat (a big test) and the General Certificate Examination (another important test). They also have someone who helps them called a Secretary of State, who takes care of teachers’ training colleges.

So, the Minister of Secondary Education is like the head of all the big schools and colleges, making sure everything goes well for the students and the teachers.

Ministry of Basic Education (MINEDUB)


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Current Head: Laurent Serge Etoundi Ngoa

Advisory bodies: National Board of Education, National Commission for UNESCO, National Council for the Approval of Textbooks and Teaching Materials, National Commission for Programs and Diplomas, National Commission for Private Education


The Minister of Basic Education is like the captain of the ship for all the schools where young kids learn. Their job is to make sure that schools for little kids are well-organized and working smoothly. This means they decide how preschool and primary school work, plan what kids learn, and make sure everything is going okay.

The Minister also helps make rules for how schools should be run and how kids should be taught. They are in charge of making sure teachers are doing a good job and that students are learning well. They also think about how to make learning better and help kids who are just starting to read and write.

The Minister also cares about teaching good values and manners to kids. They work with other important organizations, like the United Nations, to make sure all kids have a chance to learn and grow. So, in a way, they help guide the schools to make sure everything goes well for young learners.

Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MINPOSTEL)


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Contact: +237 222 230 615


Head: Minette Libom Li Likeng née MENDOMO



Events: Sub-regional conference on the development of the digital economy in Central Africa, International Forum on the Digital Economy, Globe Trotter of the Digital Economy

Partner organizations: Union Postale Universelle, Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), Union Internationale des Télécommunications


The Minister of Posts and Telecommunications is like the captain of all the things that help people send letters, use phones, and use the internet. Their job is to make sure all these things work well and help everyone stay connected.

Here’s what they do:

  • They plan and make sure things like mailboxes, phones, and internet towers are built and working.
  • They help make new and cool ways for people to use the internet and talk on phones.
  • They encourage companies to invest in making these things better, like faster internet or better phone service.
  • They make sure people who work in this area learn and get better at their jobs.
  • They watch over mobile phones and satellite companies to make sure they do a good job.
  • They keep an eye on things like online shopping, making sure it’s safe and people’s information is protected.
  • They collect and keep track of important information about how many people use phones, the internet, and other tech stuff.
  • They make sure there are rules to make sure everything is fair and works well.
  • They talk to other countries and organizations to make sure everyone is working together nicely.
  • They look after important groups that help make sure everything is safe and fair.

The Minister also watches over special groups that make sure phones, the internet, and mail services are safe and work well.

So, the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications makes sure everything that helps us stay connected, like phones, internet, and mail, works great and helps everyone talk, share, and learn.

Ministry of Sports and Physical Education (MINSEP)


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Contact :

  • Minister’s Secretariat: 222 22 58 79
  • Communication Unit: 222 23 24 33

Head: Narcisse MOUELLE KOMBI

Types of institutions: FOOTBALL, VOLLEYBALL

Organizations Under Supervision: CNOSC, ANAFOOT

Training Centres: INJS Yaounde, CENAJES (Dschang, Bertoua, Kribi, Bamenda, Garoua)

Public Infrastructures:

Stade Omnisports
Ahmadou Ahidjo
Yaoundé 1972
Stade de la Réunification Douala 1972
Palais Polyvalent des sports Yaoundé
Stade de Roumdé Adja Garoua
Stade Omnisports de Limbé Limbé 2015
Centre d’Excellence de la CAF Mbankomo 2014
Centre Technique de la Fécafoot Odza-Yaoundé
Stade Municipal Mbouda 2009
Stade militaire Yaoundé
Stade Mbappé Leppé Douala
Stade Omnisports de Bafoussam Bafoussam 2016
Stade d’Olembé Yaoundé 2019
Stade de Japoma Douala 2019



Programme National de Développement des Infrastructures Sportives – PNDIS 2008
Etats-généraux du sport et de l’éducation physique 2010
Comité d’organisation de la CAN feminine 2016 et de la CAN 2019


The Minister of Sports and Physical Education is like the leader of all things related to sports and exercise in our country. They have important jobs to do:

  • They come up with ideas for rules and guidelines for sports and physical education.
  • They make plans to help sports and exercise get better and more popular.
  • They create programs to help athletes become even better at their sports and improve their skills.
  • They teach people about the importance of sports and the Olympic spirit.
  • They decide what kinds of sports and exercise students should learn in schools and make sure those programs are followed.
  • They watch over the training plans for athletes who are going to compete internationally.
  • They make sure that athletes who are going to big competitions get the support they need.
  • They check that the places where athletes train are safe and good.
  • They work on improving sports medicine and science along with other ministries.
  • They help build sports facilities and places for people to play sports.
  • They make sure big international sports competitions are organized well.
  • They create projects to work together with other countries or organizations to improve sports and exercise.
  • They keep an eye on private groups and organizations in the world of sports and exercise.

They’re like the leader of all sports and exercise activities and make sure everything is going well and everyone has a chance to do sports and be healthy.

Presidency of the Republic of Cameroon

Contact: 222 23 40 25

Twitter :

Current Head of State: H.E President Paul BIYA


The Departments and Bodies attached to the Presidency

62Dénomination Date de


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de fin



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Dénomination Date de


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Secrétariat Général 1960 1961  Cabinet civil 1962 1969
1965  1972
Grande Chancellerie des Ordres Nationaux     Ministère de la Défense 1985  
Ministère en charge du Contrôle Supérieur de l’État     Ministère des Marchés Publics 2011  
Ministres chargés de mission     Ministère chargé des Relations avec les Assemblées    
Délégation Générale à la Sureté Nationale     Direction Générale à la Recherche Extérieure    
Garde Présidentielle 1985   Direction de la Sécurité Présidentielle    
État-major particulier     Conseil National de Sécurité 2010  
Cabinet militaire   Conseillers Spéciaux    
Cabinet particulier 1960 1961
Ambassadeurs Itinérants     Intendance du Palais, des Résidences et Pavillons Présidentiels    
Conseil Supérieur de la Magistrature  1982    Direction Générale des Grands Travaux (DGTC)  1988 1993
Comités, Commissions
Comité de Pilotage du Projet d’Autoroutes de l’Electricité 2017
Commission Nationale pour la Promotion du Bilinguisme et du Multiculturalisme (CNPBM) 2017
Commission Nationale des Frontières
Comité de Suivi des Grands Projets 2014
Commission Nationale Anti-Corruption 2006
Copisur (Comité de pilotage des projets routiers) 1994
Comité National d’Organisation des Cinquantenaires de l’Indépendance et de la Réunification du Cameroun 2010 2014


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