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Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform (MINFOPRA)


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Contact:  222 22 03 56 / 222 23 40 45

Head: Joseph Anderson LE

Organizations under Supervision: ENAM (Ecole Nationale d’Administration et de Magistrature), ISPM (Institut Supérieur de Management Public), CENAM



The Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform is like the manager of the people who work for the government. Their job is to make sure that everyone who works for the government is doing a good job and following the rules.

Here’s what they do:

  • They help make rules about how people who work for the government should act and what they should do.
  • They look after the people who work for the government, except for some special groups like judges, police, and soldiers. They make sure these people do their jobs well.
  • They figure out how many people the government needs to do different jobs and make plans for that.
  • If there are problems between government workers, they help solve them.
  • If someone who works for the government doesn’t do their job well, they make sure there are consequences.
  • They make sure government workers learn new things so they can do their jobs even better.

The Minister also helps the government find ways to work better and faster. They look at how things are done and suggest ways to make them work even better.

They also take care of special schools where people learn how to be good at government jobs.

So, the Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform is like the boss of government workers, making sure they work well, follow rules, and learn new things to help the country run smoothly.

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