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ECN 2023
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Welcome to your ECN 2023 - Surgery

1. What is the fundamental clinical sign of a traumatic posterior shoulder dislocation?

2. Which of the following complications is almost never encountered after a Poteau-Colles fracture?

3. In pelvic fractures, which ones cause the most frequent urinary complications?

4. All of the following statements regarding traumatic injuries of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee except one which

5. All of the following complications can occur after a bi-malleolar fracture except which one?

6. The state of shock during the first 24 hours of an extensive and recent burn can be explained by all of the following statements except which one?

7. Which of the following traumatic injuries is most often responsible for circumflex nerve palsy?

8. Among the following factors all are likely to promote the appearance of esophageal cancer except which one?

9. A patient presents with a typical picture of gastric ulcer perforation. You can resort to the various following complementary examinations except one which is contraindicated which one?

10. Which of the following lesions predisposes to stomach cancer?

11. Appendicitis without prejudging its anatomo-clinical form operated by a MacBurney incision in a young adult free of any other pathology can be complicated

12. Indicates the false statement concerning colonic diverticulosis

13. Gallstone ileus can be the result of a fistula

14. Only one of the following signs is characteristic of sigmoid volvulus occlusion. Which?

15. All the following signs accompany an occlusion by volvulus of the hail except one which one?

16. Concerning uncomplicated crural hernia all the following statements are true except which one?

17. Cancer of the tail of the oxocrine pancreas is preferentially revealed by

18. Surgical treatment in case of chronic pancreatitis in adults is essential on the observation

19. In case of traumatic hemoperitoneum due to rupture of the spleen, we usually observe

20. The most common renal parenchymal tumor is

21. The severity of bladder cancer is proportional to only one of the following factors. Which?

22. In a man with benign prostatic hyperplasia, obstructive syndrome are dysuria and

23. All of the following symptoms may indicate prostate adenocarcinoma except one. Which?

24. Faced with a sensitive testicular mass, what do you suggest to make the positive diagnosis of testicular cancer?

25. A subrenal aortic aneurysm may present with all but one of the following complications. Which?

26. The antero-internal dislocation of the shoulder is characterized by all the following signs one, indicate which one.

27. The Poteau-Colles fracture is usually characterized by one or more of the following signs except

28. Indicate among the following signs, the one which, in the presence of a wound of a finger, allows to recognize the existence of a section of the collateral nerve:

29. Compared to orthopedic treatment, surgical treatment of an open leg fracture has the following disadvantages:

30. All of the following will guide the diagnosis of a medial meniscal tear of the knee except

31. The mechanism usually described or mimicked by patients who have suffered a sprain the external lateral ligament of the ankle is:

32. As a complication of a severe L4 fracture, one can observe:

33. Esophageal cancer dysphagia:

34. Which of the following factors is usually considers to be predominant in the mechanism of gastric ulcers?

35. In the presence of a peptic ulcer disease during Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, indicate the treatment you recommend among the following surgical procedures:

36. Concerning the appendicular plastron choose the wrong answer:

37. Appendiceal peritonitis requires:

38. Among the different statements concerning volvulus of the cecum choose the false answer:

39. Faced with acute generalized peritonitis, we will consider its appendicular (non-ectopic) origin: choose the wrong answer

40. Indicate the exact proposition(s) concerning the Douglas cul de sac abscess:

41. Complications that can be directly linked to the lack of treatment of an intra-funicular external oblique inguinal hernia include: choosing the wrong answer

42. Inguinal hernia in its external oblique variety: choosing the wrong answer

43. Which of the following signs is considered almost pathognomonic for advanced chronic pancreatis?

44. In a patient who presented 10 days before with a contusion of abdomen, to confirm the diagnosis of a subcapsular hematoma of the spleen, we can ask:

45. Renal colic may be associated with one or more of the following signs. Choose the wrong answer

46. Pain typically radiates to the groin and external genitalia. The pain is related to the distention of the ureter

47. What is the sexual disorder usually encountered after prostate adenectomy?

48. Among the following examinations, indicate the one that is essential for the diagnosis of prostate cancer.

49. Testicular cancer can be revealed by: choosing the wrong the answer

50. Which of the following is pathognomonic for abdominal aortic aneurysm?

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