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Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training (MINEFOP)

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Contact: 222 20 45 79 / 222 20 45 68

Head of Ministry: Issa TCHIROMA BAKARY

Organizations under Supervision: FNE, PIAASI, ONEFOP, COSUP

Partners: KOICA, UE, Contrat C2D

Training Centres:

Centre Région Date ouverture Date de fin
CNFFDP (Centre National de Formation des Formateurs et de Développement des Programmes) National 2023
Institut de Formation des Formateurs et de Développement des Programmes (INFFDP) de Yaoundé CE 2015
CFPE (Centres de Formation professionnelle d’Excellence)
CFPE Douala LT 2016
CFPE Sangmelima CE 2016
CFM (Centres de formation aux métiers)
CFM Ebebda CE
CFM Maroua EN
CFM Bandjoun OU
Centres de Formation Professionnelle Rapide 
CFPR Yaoundé CE
CFPR Douala LT 2012
CFPR Garoua NO
Centres de Formation Professionnelle Rapide des Employés de Bureau et de Métiers Industriels


The Minister of Employment and Vocational Training is like a job helper. Their job is super important for making sure people have good jobs and learn new things. Here’s what they do:

  • They make plans to help people find jobs and learn skills.
  • They study how jobs and the job market are changing to make sure everyone can find work.
  • They create programs to teach people new skills for their jobs.
  • They make sure schools and training programs teach things that are useful for jobs.
  • They help people who lost their jobs by teaching them new things.
  • They talk to businesses to understand what kind of workers they need.
  • They watch over training programs to make sure they work well.
  • They take care of a special fund that helps people find jobs.

Imagine them as a job superhero, working to help everyone have good jobs and learn things to be successful in the working world!

Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection (MINEPDED)


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Head: Pierre HELE

Organizations under Supervision: Observatoire National des Changements climatiques (ONACC)

Other Organizations in the Industry: FEDEF (Fondation pour l’Environnement et le Développement au Cameroun)

Projects, Programs: PNGE (Plan Nation de Gestion de l’Environnement), PSFE (Programme Sectoriel Forêt et Environnement), PRECESSE (Projet de Renforcement des Capacités Environnementales et Sociales du Secteur de l’Energie), CHM, BCH, Mangrove, Jacinthe d’eau, Sahel vert, COAST (Monitoring environmental changes in coastal areas), Programmes des actions prioritaires, CAPECE (Projet de renforcement des capacités dans le secteur pétrolifère du Cameroun), Comité Interministériel pour l’Environnement, Comité MAB (Comité Permanent de l’Homme et de la Biosphère), Stratégie nationale de gestion des déchets


The Minister of the Environment, Nature Protection, and Sustainable Development is like the person who takes care of our environment and the animals and plants that live in it. They have an important job to do:

  • They make rules and plans to make sure we smartly use our natural resources so that we don’t use them all up and harm the environment.
  • They work with other ministries and groups to come up with ways to take care of our environment and manage things like pollution.
  • They create plans to protect the environment in different areas, and they work with other ministries to make sure these plans are followed.
  • They watch over the actions of organizations that help with the environment, both regionally and internationally, and they work with the Ministry of External Relations to make sure everyone is cooperating.
  • They make sure that big projects are being done in a way that doesn’t harm the environment.
  • They share information with the public to help people get involved in protecting and taking care of the environment.
  • They work on agreements with other countries to protect the environment and nature, and they make sure these agreements are followed.
  • They take care of the National Observatory on Climate Change, which helps us understand and deal with climate change.


They’re like the protector of our environment, making sure we use our resources wisely and keep our planet safe for the future.

Ministry of Youth Affairs (MINJEC)


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Tel: (+237) 222 20 35 64  / (+237) 2 22 20 47 03

Current Minister: Gabriel DODO NDOKE

Training Centres:

Dénomination Date de création
Centre Multifonctionnel de Formation des Jeunes de Yaounde (CMFJ)
Centre National d’Education Populaire et Civique (CNEPCI)
Centre national de diffusion de la documentation pour la jeunesse (Cnpddj)
Centre National de Documentation

Events: MINJEC Business Challenge, Fete de la Jeunesse, Youth Connekt Cameroon


The Minister of Youth Affairs and Civic Education is like the person in charge of helping young people and teaching them about being good citizens. They have important jobs to do:

  • They come up with plans to help young people contribute to the country’s development and learn about important values like peace, hard work, democracy, and helping each other.
  • They teach young people about being good citizens and having strong morals.
  • They make sure that young people’s ideas and needs are considered when the country is making plans for different areas.
  • They help young people in both cities and rural areas to find their place in society and have good lives.
  • They work on bringing people from different parts of the country together and making everyone feel like they belong.
  • They help young people learn about business and how to improve their lives, and they also support youth groups.
  • They watch over the activities of youth groups and make sure they’re doing positive things.
  • They make sure that young people are aware of government programs that can help them in cities and rural places.
  • They supervise organizations that are focused on youth and civic education, like the National Civic Service for Participation in Development and the National Youth Council.

They’re like the leader in helping young people understand how to be good citizens, and they make sure young people have a voice in the country’s plans and activities.

Ministry of Water and Energy Resources (MINEE)


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Contact: Tel 222 22 34 00

Current Minister: Gaston ELOUNDOU ESSOMBA

Organizations under Supervision:

Dénomination Date de


Date de


SNEC (Société nationale des Eaux du Cameroun) 1967 2007
SONEL (Société Nationale d’Electricité) 1974 2001
AES-SONEL (AES-Société Nationale d’Electricité) 2001 2014
CDE (Camerounaise des Eaux) 2008 2018
ENEO (Energy of Cameroon) 2014
CAMWATER (Cameroon Water Utilities) 2007
SONATREL (Société Nationale de Transport d’Electricité) 2015
SCDP (Société Camerounaise des Dépôts pétroliers) 1979
EDC (Electricity Development Corporation) 2006
AER (Agence d’électrification rurale) 1999
ARSEL (Agence de régulation du secteur de l’électricité) 1999

Other Organizations in the Same Industry

Dénomination Date de


Date de


Distribution de produits
Contrôle des produits
GPP (Groupements des Professionnels de Pétrole
GPC (Groupement des Pétroliers Camerounais)
FPNPG (Fédération des Professionnels Nationaux de Pétrole& du Gaz)


The Minister of Energy and Water Resources is like the person who helps make sure we have enough water and energy for our country. They have important jobs to do:

  • They come up with plans and strategies for how we can get enough water and energy.
  • They look for and use water resources in both cities and rural areas.
  • They work to improve how much water and energy we can produce.
  • They help get investments for projects that give us more water and energy, and they work with other ministries to make it happen.
  • They also look for new ways to create energy, like using different sources, and work with the Ministry of Science to make that happen.
  • They make sure the rules for using water in farming, industry, and health are followed and controlled.
  • They watch over the management of water sources and groundwater.
  • They supervise activities related to oil and gas in rivers.
  • They keep an eye on companies and organizations that provide water, electricity, gas, and oil, like CAMWATER, EDC, AER, ARSEL, SCDP, and SONARA.

They’re in charge of making sure we have the water and energy we need and that everything is working safely and well.

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER)


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Head: MBAIROBE Gabriel

Organizations under Supervision:

Dénomination Date de création
CDC (Cameroon Development Corporation)  
CAPEF (Chambre d’Agriculture, des Pêches, de l’Élevage et des Forêts)  
CENEEMA (Centre National d’Etudes et d’Expérimentation du Machinisme Agricole)  
Mission de Développement du Sud-Ouest (SOWEDA)  
Mission de Développement de la province du Nord Ouest (MIDENO)  
SEMRY (Société d’Expansion et de Modernisation de la Riziculture de Yagoua)  
SODECAO (Société de Développement du Cacao)  
Upper Noun valley Development Authority (UNVDA)  
Unité de Traitement par Voie Aérienne (UTAVA)  
Fonds de Développement du Cacao et Café (FODECC)  
Secrétariat Permanent comité de gestion FAO/PAM  
Fonds Semencier 2005


Projets et Programmes

Dénomination Date deb Date fin
1 Développement de la Filière Légumineuse à Graines  (DFLG)
2 Développement des Moyennes et Grandes Exploitations Agricoles (DMGEA)
3 Développement des Plantations Villageoises d’Hévéa   (DPVH)
4 Ferme Pilote Irriguée Cameroun Corée (FPRI2C)
5 Programme d’Appui à l’Amélioration de la Productivité Agricole (PAPA) 2011 2017
6 Programme d’amélioration de la Compétitivité des exploitations agropastorales (ACEFA)
7 Programme d’amélioration du revenu familial rural dans les provinces septentrionales (PARFAR)
8 Programme d’Appui à la Maîtrise des Ouvrages des Administrations du monde rural (AMO)
9 Programme d’Appui à la Protection du Verger Café Cacao (PAPVCC)
10 Programme d’Appui à l’Installation des Jeunes Agriculteurs (PAIJA)
11 Programme d’Appui à l’Utilisation des Engrais sur Cacao/Café
12 Programme d’Appui au Développement de la Filière Champignons Comestibles
13 Programme de Développement des Palmeraies Villageoises (PDPV)
14 Programme de Développement rural du Bassin agricole Moungo-Nkam
15 Programme de Lutte contre les Grands Fléaux des Viviers (PLGFV)
16 Programme de Réforme du Sous Secteur Engrais (PRSSE)
17 Programme de Relance de la Filière Plantain (PRFP)
18 Programme de Rénovation et de Développement de la Formation professionnelle dans les secteurs de l’Agriculture et de l’Elevage (AFOP)
19 Programme de Valorisation des Bas-fonds (PVBF)
20 Programme d’Urgence pour la Réduction des Pesticides dans les Cacao / Café
21 Programme National d’Appui à la Filière Mais
22 Programme National de Développement des Racines
23 Programme National de Développement des Racines et Tubercules (PNDRT)
24 Programme National de Gestion des Pesticides Obsolètes au Cameroun
25 Programme National de Sécurité Alimentaire
26 Programme National de Vulgarisation et de Recherche Agricole (PNVRA)
27 Programme Pilote de Relance des Filières Cacao – Café – Coton
28 Projet Crédit Rural Décentralisé (PCRD)
29 Projet d’Amélioration de la Compétitivité Agricole (PACA)
30 Projet d’Appui à la la Production et à la Diffusion du Matériel Végétal Amélioré Cacao/Café     (PA3C)
31 Projet d’Appui à la Lutte Fongique sur Cacao / Café
32 Projet d’appui au Développement communautaire (PADC )
33 Projet d’Appui au Développement de la Micro Finance Rurale (PADMIR)
34 Projet d’Appui au Développement des Filières Agricoles (PADFA)
35 Projet d’Appui aux Etablissements de Micro Finance de Développement
36 Projet de Développement de la Riziculture Pluviale de Plateau en Zone de Forêt à pluviométrie bimodale (PRODERIP)
37 Projet de Développement de l’Elevage (PRODEL) 2016 2022
38 Projet de développement rural de la région du Mont Mbappit
39 Projet de Relance de la Filière Pomme de terre
40 Projet de relance de la Riziculture dans la Vallée du Logone
41 Projet d’Investissement et de Développement des Marchés Agricoles (PIDMA)  2015 2020
42 Projet Kennedy Round 2  (KR2)
43 Projet Pilote d’Appui à la mise en place d’une Information Phytosanitaire sur la Protection Intégrée des Cultures dans la zone Forestière du Cameroun
44 Projet Semencier Cacao Café (PSCC)
45 Projet Stockage Céréalier
46 Projets d’Appui au Programme National Semencier  (PAPRONAS)
47 Rumpi Area Participatory Development Project


The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development is like the person who takes care of everything related to farming and making countryside areas better. They have important jobs to do:

For farming:

  • They make plans and put them into action to help farmers and rural places.
  • They come up with ideas to make sure there’s enough food for everyone and that it’s good quality.
  • They make rules to keep plants and crops safe from diseases and pests.
  • They work with others to make sure farmers have the tools they need and can sell their products to other countries.
  • They watch over the farms and gather information to know how well everything is working.

For rural areas:

  • They help communities grow and become stronger.
  • They check on how things are going for the people who live in the countryside.
  • They make sure farmers are taken care of and help them improve their work.
  • They plan and watch over programs to make life better in rural places.
  • They also watch over some important farming companies and organizations to make sure they’re doing things right.


Overall, this minister takes care of farms, helps rural places develop, and makes sure everyone has enough good food to eat.

Ministry of Territorial Administration (MINAT)


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Contact: +(237) 222 23 10 56


Boards, Commissions and Committees:

Dénomination Date de création Date de fermeture
Comité Interministériel Ad Hoc de gestion des dons destinés aux populations et aux forces de défense 2015  
Comité Interministériel Ad Hoc en charge de la gestion des Réfugiés    
Comité National des Finances Locales (CONAFIL) 2012  
Conseil national de la décentralisation (Cnd) 2008  
Comité interministériel des services locaux (Cisl) 2008  
Comité de sécurité transfrontalière Cameroun / Nigéria    
Comité de Coordination et de Suivi de la Gestion de l’Assistance et des Secours d’Urgence destinées aux populations sinistrées des Régions du Nord et de l’Extrême Nord    
Programme National de Sécurisation et de Réhabilitation du Lac Nyos    
Commission nationale du Hadj 2003  
Commission Nationale sur les ONG    
Commission chargée  de l’étude des demandes d’agrément et de suivi des établissements et sociétés de gardiennage    
Programme d’Appui à la Décentralisation et au Développement Local (Paddl)    
PACDU : Programme d’appui à la décentralisation et au développement urbain.    
Programme d’Appui au Développement Communautaire (PADC) (tutelle Minagri) 2003 2010
Programme de Réhabilitation de l’Etat Civil du Cameroun (PRE2C) 2010  
Comité de suivi bilatéral des activités financées par la France dans le cadre de l’appui à la réhabilitation de l’état civil au Cameroun    

Events: Municipal Disaster Management Forum (FOMUGEC), Biannual Governors’ Conference, National Civil Status Conference


The Minister of Territorial Administration is the person in charge of making sure everything is organized and peaceful in the country. They help set up different areas and make sure they work well together. They also watch over traditional leaders and make sure everyone’s rights are respected. They work with special forces to keep the peace and handle any problems.

They are also responsible for making sure people stay safe during disasters like earthquakes or floods. They create rules to prevent risks and coordinate with other parts of the government to help people during emergencies.

Additionally, they make sure that elections are fair and honest. They connect with a group that makes sure the elections are organized and supervised properly. Overall, this minister helps keep the country running smoothly and ensures that everyone’s rights are protected.


Ministry of Arts and Culture (MINAC)


Contact:+237 243 54 02 43 | Mail:  

Head: Pierre Ismael BIDOUNG NKPWATT 

Authorised Companies:

Dénomination Date


Date de



SOCAM (Société Camerounaise de l’Art musical) 2008 2017
CMC (Cameroon Music Corporation) 2003 2008
SOCADAP (Société camerounaise de droit d’auteur des arts plastiques et graphiques) 2003  
SOCILADRA (Société Civile des Droits de la Littérature et des Arts Dramatiques) 2003  
SOCADROM (Société camerounaise des droits de la musique)   Pas d’agrément
SOCIM (Société civile des droits de la musique)  
SOCADRA (Société Camerounaise des droits d’auteur) 1979 1990
SOCINADA (Société civile nationale des droits d’auteur) 1990 2002
SOCIDRAP (Société civile des droits audiovisuels et photographiques) 2003 2005
SCAAP (Société civile des arts audiovisuels et photographiques) 2005  
SONACAM (Société Nationale Camerounaise de l’Art musical) 2017  
SCDV (Société Camerounaise des Droits voisins) 2017  


Dénomination Création Période Lieu
NGONDO (Fête traditionnelle des Sawa, le peuple de l’eau)   Annuel Douala
NGUON (Festival du peuple Bamoun)     Foumban
ECRANS NOIRS 1997   Yaoundé
Festival des Arts et de la Culture MEDUMBA 1995   Bangangté
MBAM’ART     Bafia
ABOK i NGOMA (Festival des danses et percussions) 2007    
RETIC (Rencontres théâtrales internationales du Cameroun) 1993 Annuel Yaoundé
CORPS e GESTES 2008    
Rencontres internationales du film court ( RIFIC ou  YAOUNDE TOUT COURT) 1997 2 ans Yaoundé
TOKNA MASSANA (Festival des peuples Massa) 2003    
FENAC (Festival National des Arts et de la Culture du Cameroun). 1991    
YARHA (Semaine internationale du 1er film) 2014 Annuel Yaoundé
Festival MBOG LIA’A (Communauté Bati-Mpoo-Bassa) 1995 Annuel  
REMY (Rencontres musicales de Yaoundé)      
FESCARHY (Festival de la caricature et de l’humour de Yaoundé)      
FATEJ (Festival africain de théatre pour l’enfance et la jeunesse)      

Competitive Exams, Trade Fairs: Miss Cameroon, Salon du Livre Yaounde, National Literary Competition “Jeunes”

Bodies under Supervision: Congress Hall Yaounde


Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries (MINEPIA)


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Head: Docteur TAIGA

The Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries (MINEPIA) is responsible for the development, implementation, and evaluation of policies related to livestock, fisheries, and animal industries in Cameroon.


The Minister of Livestock, Fisheries, and Animal Industries is like a guardian for animals and fish. They make plans and programs to help animals and fish grow healthy and strong. They also watch over the rules and standards to make sure everything is safe and good for people to eat.

They work with experts to learn about animals and fish, and they find ways to make them healthier and produce more. They also protect the oceans, rivers, and lakes to keep fish safe and make sure there are enough of them.

They help people who take care of animals and fish, and they make sure the food we get from them is clean and safe to eat. They even keep track of how many animals and fish there are and use the information to make things better.

They’re like a superhero for animals and fish, making sure they’re happy, healthy, and safe for all of us!

Ministry of Women Empowerment and the Family (MINPROFF)


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Contact: 222 23 25 50

Head: Marie Thérèse ABENA ONDOA née OBAMA

Partner Organizations:

Dénomination Objet Date de début

du partenariat

Horizons-Femmes   2003
Renata   2001
ALVF   1991

Celebrated Days: International Day against Female Genital Mutilation (6th February), Women’s Day (8th March), International Family Day (15th May), Day of the African Child (16th June), Day of the African Woman (31st July), International Young Girls Day (11th October), International Day of the Rural Woman (15th October)



The Minister of Women’s Empowerment and the Family is like a champion for women and families. They make sure that women are treated fairly and have the same chances as men in everything they do.

They work to stop any unfair treatment of women and make sure that girls and boys are treated equally. They also help women get good jobs and work to make families stronger and happier.

Imagine they’re like a superhero for women and families. They talk to other countries and groups to make sure everyone understands how important it is to treat women well and protect families.

They watch over organizations that help women and families, and they work with groups that want to make the world better for everyone. They’re like a friend who stands up for what’s right and fair for women and families.

Ministry of External Relations (MINREX)


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Contact: +237 2 22 20 30 23 / 222 20 01 33


The Ministry of External Relations in Cameroon is responsible for managing the country’s foreign affairs and international relations. Its main goal is to promote Cameroon’s interests abroad and maintain positive relationships with other countries and international organizations.

The ministry works to represent Cameroon in international forums, negotiate treaties and agreements, and promote trade and investment opportunities with other countries. It also provides consular services to Cameroonian citizens living abroad and works to protect their rights and interests.

Overall, the Ministry of External Relations plays a crucial role in advancing Cameroon’s position in the global community.

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