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ECN 2023
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Welcome to your ECN 2023 - Gynaecology

51. Metrarrhagia are

52. Among the following diagnoses, which one(s) can relate to postmenopausal metrorrhagia? Choose the wrong answer

53. Among the following conditions only one is not a formal contraindication to progressives, which one?

54. The prescription of a normal dose pill but with too much estrogenic history can lead to certain adjustment problems and even certain pathological conditions. Which state is not listed below?

55. Indicate the clinical symptoms (s) that may accompany the premenopausal phase: choose the wrong answer

56. At the origin of a galactorrhea amenorrhea syndrome, we cannot find

57. The following endocrine conditions can cause amenorrhea except one. Which?

58. What is the classic and usual place of fertilization?

59. Mrs. X present after an amenorrhea of 2 and a half months with moderately abundant metrorrhagia. Among the examination which allows to affirm the evolutivity the pregnancy of abundance?

60. In the monitoring of the fetal heart rate during pregnancy what is the element of a good prognosis?

61. Pregnancy contraindicates:

62. Monitory a prolonged pregnancy calls for

63. What should be done when the clinical examination seems normal for a suspicion of ectopic pregnancy?

64. A young woman wants to get pregnant and she has had insulin-dependent diabetes since childhood. Which of the following statements is false?

65. What is the most common cause of spontaneous abortions in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

66. Which one of the following consequences of pyelonephritis of pregnancy is false?

67. What is the most common complication pf eclamptic seizures?

68. What is the diagnosis to be made on the 6th day postpartum in the face of moderate metrorrhagia and a temperature of 38°C?

69. Breast lymphangitis during breastfeeding is responsible for all of the following signs except one. Which?

70. Gonococcal urethritis can be complicated by the following conditions except one. Which?

71. Abundant (profuse) greenish foamy smelly leucorrhoea suggests an infection

72. A 37-year-old woman presents with history of metrorrhagia. She was on the oral contraceptive pill

73. The most common complication of submucosal uterine fibroid is

74. In the assessment of ovarian cancers, the most appropriate marker is

75. During a first pregnancy to prevent anti-D alloimmunization of a rhesus negative pregnant woman, anti-D immunoglobulin is injected

76. The diagnosis of a genital prolapse is mainly done by which of the following methods?

77. In front of a urethritis, the following elements direct towards the gonoccal etiology except;

78. Among the following clinical signs, which one(s) suggest to you the diagnosis of acute salpingitis

79. The first-line examination for the biological diagnoses of Trichomonas vaginitis is:

80. The most sensitive for breast cancer screening?

81. A 20-year-old woman presented with a breast nodule 2 cm in diameter, clinically benign. What is the most likely diagnosis?

82. Among the following symptoms observed after the menopause, which ones should be investigated for endometrial cancer?

83. Which method will be chosen to specify the exact nature of a small polypous lesion of the orifice of the exocervix?

84. Among the possible complications of subserous fibroids, which one is most frequent during pregnancy?

85. What para-clinical exploration can help diagnose an ovarian tumor without prejudging its histological type?

86. The following abnormalities can be diagnosed in-utero by ultrasound, except one: which one?

87. Amenorrhea on the 90th day postpartum may be due to: choose the wrong answer

88. The mechanism of fetomaternal immunization in the rhesus system is linked:

89. Premature delivery is delivery before:

90. The consequences of premature rupture of the membranes can be:

91. During the first ten weeks of pregnancy, metrorrhagia can be caused by:

92. A primigravida is sent urgently, at 34 weeks of amenorrhea for a state of shock with scanty, blackish bleeding. There is a high BP at 16/10cm Hg, uterine contracture and acute fetal distress. The diagnosis is:

93. Among the following abnormalities, indicate which one(s) may be due to an infection of the embryo by Toxoplasma:

94. Regarding maternal-fetal transmission of HIV, it is correct to say that:

95. A woman 2 and a half months pregnant has acute gram-negative pyelonephritis. Indicate the medication(s) that can be used before the results of antibiogram:

96. In the case of gestational diabetes, in addition to an appropriate diet, the conduct systematically includes:

97. In a woman in the eight month of pregnancy, indicate the results which seem normal to you:

98. Which of the following statement is true in the mother during pregnancy

99. In the 3rd month of an uncomplicated pregnancy in a woman whose renal function was normal prior to pregnancy, it is usual to observe: choose the wrong answer

100. In a woman usually menstruating every 32 days, the calculation of the term from ovulation must take into account a pre-ovulatory phase of:

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