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ECN 2023
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Welcome to your ECN 2023 - Internal Medicine Quiz

1. One of the following statements regarding mitral insufficiency is incorrect which one?

2. During infective endocarditis all of the following complications can occur except which one?

3. Lower extremity deep vein thrombosis can result from any of the following except one? Which one

4. On a standard chest x-ray which of the following features most strongly suggest the possibility of active tuberculosis?

5. What etiology would you think of first in a smoker who has been coughing chronically for several months and who has just had hemoptoic sputum?

6. Among the following clinical signs, which is the only one during acute cholecystitis to suspect lithiasis of common bile duct?

7. Which of the following conditions suggests dilatation of the hepatic veins associated with jaundice?

8. A nephrotic syndrome can include all of the following except

9. The presence of pus in the urine suggests looking for all of the following causes except one which one?

10. What is the condition evoked by the association of a goiter with hypothyroidism

11. One of the following clinical signs is not encountered in Cushing’s syndrome which one?

12. Diabetic acidosis can be responsible for all of the following conditions except which one?

13. The extra-articular manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis are varied and may include all of the following conditions except which one?

14. What is the proposition that can explain carpal tunnel syndrome?

15. During typhoid fever, the following signs of complications are due to flooding of endotoxin in the body except one which one?

16. Arguments compatible with the diagnosis of common influenza include but one of the following which one?

17. Which of the following clinical signs suggests the diagnosis of cerebral toxoplasmosis in an HIV-positive patient?

18. What does chronic bleeding anemia usually cause?

19. Which of the following is observed in the typical form of myeloma or Khaler’s disease?

20. Among the following etiologies of transient ischemic cerebral attack in young subjects, which is the most frequent?

21. You are called to help a patient who is having a generalized tonic-clonic seizure. What to do immediately?

22. An anxious 26-year old woman presents with episodes of chest pain and palpitations precipitated by stress and smoking. His 24-hour urine shows elevated catecholamine levels

23. A 23-year-old man develops acute left hemi-thoracic pain, fever, and rubbing at the left lower border of the sternum unaffected by respiration. The pain is also aggravated by lying down and relieved by siting. He is otherwise in good general condition with no other symptoms with the rest of the physical exam normal. Which of the following is most likely the cause of her symptoms?

24. A 74-year-old man had undergone some kind of peptic ulcer surgery years ago. He presents with symptoms including abdominal pain and bloating about 30-40 minutes after eating, associated with nausea. Symptoms are relived if he vomits. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his symptoms?

25. A young man with leukemia is treated with methotrexate/ which of the following is the mechanism of action of this drug?

26. Which of the following statements regarding adrenal insufficiency is true?

27. A 26-year-old man with heart failure needs treatment for atrial fibrillation to control his heart rate

28. A 76-year-old man fell to the ground while standing in a long line. He regained consciousness within 2 minutes of his fall. He was not incontinent of stools or urine.

29. A 20-year-old woman presents with a mass on her neck. On examination, the mass is under the anterior border of the sternomastoid muscle. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Branchial cyst

30. Anemia is said to be regenerative when the level of reticulocytes is

31. A 22-year-old primigravid woman develops hypertension at 28 weeks. She is asymptomatic and examination is normal except for the presence of a 1+ foot edema. Her complete blood count, liver enzymes and blood electrolyte are normal. Urinalysis is positive for proteinuria. Which of the following are true for the type of hypertension?

32. A 56-year-old man is involved in a serious traffic accident. He develops acute renal failure (ARI) after being admitted to hospital. One possibility for his AKI is post-traumatic renal vein thrombosis. Which of the following statements is more likely to suggest renal vein thrombosis?

33. A 59-year-old woman has numbness and tingling in her feet. On examination, there are signs involving the peripheral nerves in the form of decreased sensation, motor weakness, and loss of distal reflexes. The findings are asymmetrical. Which of the following medical conditions can best explain his peripheral neuropathy?

34. A 25-year-old woman presents with intermittent symptoms of sweating, palpitations, and hunger. During episode his blood sugar level is below 40 mg/dl. His insulin level is low below and glucagon level is high. Which of the following best describes the hormonal function of glucagon?

35. A 25-year-old man was referred to the rheumatology department with multiple stiff and painful joints and uveitis. He also complains of ulcers on his penis and in his mouth.

36. A 45-year-old woman presents with weight, and hirsutism. On examination, she is hypertensive and presents with edema of the feet.

37. A 65-year-old woman treated with large doses of a loop diuretic needs additional therapy to control her refractory edema

38. A 49-year-old woman presented with polyuria, hematuria, abdominal and bone pain. On examination his blood pressure is 170/100mmHg

39. A 55-year-old male alcoholic complains of severe upper abdominal pain radiating to the back, loose stools and weight loss. Abdominal X-ray reveals calcifications. What is the most appropriate diagnosis?

40. The peptic ulcer can lead to the following complications except one which

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