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Ministry of Secondary Education (MINESEC)


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Contact: +237 222 22 67 16


Current Head: Mme Pauline EBGE NALOVA LYONGA

Organizations under supervision: OBC, GCE Board, MUPES

Partner Organizations:

  • National Institute of Education (under the supervision of the Ministry in charge of Research), FECASE (Fédération Camerounaise des Syndicats de l’Education),
  • SNAEF (Syndicat National Autonome de l’Education et de a Formation),
  • COCAFE (Comité camerounais des femmes enseignantes),
  • CEFAN (Cameroon Education for All Network),
  • Fondation MTN Cameroon,
  • Association des conseillers en économie sociale du Cameroun (ACESF-CA)


Imagine the Minister of Secondary Education as the boss of all the big kids’ schools and the teachers’ training colleges. Their job is like being the leader of these special schools and making sure everything works smoothly.

Here’s what they do:

  • They make sure all the regular and technical high schools are organized and working well.
  • They also look after the special colleges where teachers learn how to teach.
  • They come up with what things students should learn and how they should be taught.
  • They help make sure teachers know how to teach those things properly.
  • They want students to grow up as good people, so they teach them about being good, responsible citizens.
  • They plan where all the high schools should be located and check if they are built properly.
  • They collect and keep track of information about high schools, like how many students go there and how well they do.
  • They watch over both public and private high schools to make sure they are managed well.
  • They help students decide what to study and plan for their education.
  • They make sure there are enough good books for students to read and learn from.
  • They make sure the schools have good buildings and facilities for students to learn comfortably.
  • They also help teachers keep learning and improving their teaching skills.


The Minister also looks after important boards that handle big exams like the Baccalauréat (a big test) and the General Certificate Examination (another important test). They also have someone who helps them called a Secretary of State, who takes care of teachers’ training colleges.

So, the Minister of Secondary Education is like the head of all the big schools and colleges, making sure everything goes well for the students and the teachers.

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