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Ministry of Industries, Mines and Technological Development (MINMIDT)


View Kamer Profile: MINMIDT

Head: FUH Calistus GENTRY

Organizations under Supervision: Société Nationale d’Investissement (SNI), Agence des Normes et de la Qualité (ANOR), Agence de Promotion des Investissements (API), Office National des Zones Franches Industrielles (ONZFI), Chambre de Commerce, de l’Industrie, des Mines et de l’Artisanat (CCIMA), Mission d’Aménagement et de Gestion des Zones Industrielles (MAGZI)

Partners: ONUDI

Plans and Projects:

Dénomination Date de création Durée prev
CAPAM (Centre d’Appui et de Promotion des Activités Minières) 2003
PRECASEM (Projet de Renforcement des Capacités dans le Secteur Minier) 2012 2017
Processus de Kimberley 2011
APROCOM-PH (Projet d’Amélioration de la Productivité et de la Compétitivité de la filière Palmier à Huile) 2007 2014
Plan directeur d’industrialisation
 Comité National du Codex et de la Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments (CNCOSAC) 2008
Infrastructure Nationale Qualité
Schéma National de la Qualité


The Minister of Industry, Mines, and Technological Development is like a leader who helps our country with industries, mining, and new technology. They do many important things to make sure our country grows and gets better:

  1. Mining and Resources: 
  • They make maps of where we can find valuable things like minerals, oil, and gas.
  • They explore the ground to find these valuable things.
  • They make sure we use these resources wisely and make good things from them.
  • They take care of the natural resources we have, like minerals and gas.
  1. Industries and Factories:
  • They help local businesses make products.
  • They create special places called industrial zones where factories can be built.
  • They encourage people to invest money in businesses to help them grow.
  • They make plans for our country to make more things and become stronger.
  1. Technology and Quality: 
  • They work with smart ideas and new technology to make our country more advanced.
  • They make sure the things we use are good quality and safe, like the products we buy.
  • They protect special ideas and things people create.
  1. Helping Other Groups:
  • They watch over some important groups that help with industries and resources.
  • They talk to other countries and groups to share and learn new things.

They’re like a big helper to make our country’s businesses, resources, and technology better, so we can have a great future.