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Welcome to your COMPUTER SCIENCE PAPER 1 - 2020

1. Computer organization is how

2. In this classification, each instruction is executed using its own input data, independently of how other instructions get their data. We are using a(n)

3. It is used for long-term storage of information but also as an overflow area for executing programs

4. What is the result of the following in sign absolute notation? 01 110 100 – 01 001 100

5. What is R in the following circuit diagram?

6. It looks for an instruction, uses circuits to interpret it, and then carries out the instruction in a process known as the

7. When the processor receives a signal, it stops what it is doing in order to attend to the request. The mechanism exploited here is

8. The following is true of indirect operand addressing mode

9. Which of the following is NOT true of machine instruction code?

10. Its software directly controls the hardware components in order to carry out tasks they are designed for but, essentially, it acts as a com and is seen as such. It is:

11. We use them to manipulate and disseminate information among individuals and organizations possible over long distances

12. Joe hacked into Dan’s online bank account and withdrew and returned money Dan stole from Jane. Joe accused the account by supplying the information Dan normally gives. Joe commit a computer crime

13. Which of the following controls the aspect the public can see or inquire about you, if stored in a computer system, but allows you to verify or correct the information so stored?

14. Given todays technology and his immediate access to resources all over the world, Ngene says he is a citizen of the world, not just a Cameroonian. We agree with him because

15. Mojoko submitted many programs and their data at a computing centre, to later get her results online. Processing her work mist have required

16. Cloud computing handles resources, data and information in certain ways

17. Certain programs facilitate the construction of other programs, and can be used over again rather than constructed. They are

18. A __________ is used such that correct programs in a source programming language are possibly made more efficient while they are made ready for machine execution

19. Bisi’s computer help desk uses many software platforms. She has to quickly respond to frequently asked question from her clients, so she most probably uses

20. Jobs P1, P2 and P3 need 6, 4 and 2 units of execution time respectively. They arrive at times 1, 4 and 6 as shown below. Which job is completed last if a shortest job first scheduling policy is used?

21. Which of he following is false for segmented paged memory allocation?

22. What Input device might a multi-choice questionnaire writer use to input completed forms into a computer

23. The number -17 translated into an 8-bits two’s complement binary integer is

24. The positivity binary number 10101111 translated into hexadecimal is

25. Two computers of the Von Neumann architecture are

26. Location 600 contains 601, 601 contains 607 and 607 contains 613. What are the contents of register R after the following instruction? (the parentheses indicate indirect addressing) LOAD R, (600)

27. A table in third normal form is one which

28. In mesh topology, relationship between one device and another is

29. The performance of data communications network depends on

30. Which OSI layer has routers?

31. When an entity has the primary key of another entity as an attribute, this creates

32. Which of the following is not the required condition for binary search algorithm?

33. in the database R(a, b, d,e,f) attribute b and d are dependent only on a; e only on d; and f only on d. which of these sets of relations is equivalent to R in third normal form (3NF) if key attributes are underlined?

34. When data goes through a network, data privacy is available when

35. Which data type best holds for processing in the same fashion, the names of a number of plants?

36. How many distinct memory addresses can a processor access if its machine word has 8 bytes?

37. The design strategy that identifies subtasks based on the operations carried out in them to provide a service or feature is known as

38. A binary tree whose every node has either zero or two children is called

39. The post order traversal of a binary tree is DEBFCA. Find out the preorder traversal

40. Which of the following sorting algorithms is of divide and conquer type?

41. Program readability is typically understood to be

42. It is used to observe how values change in memory locations, without altering program instructions, or altering memory locations; during debugging

43. Some programs will always guarantee an answer if there is one, but may run for ever if there is none. Such problems are

44. Algorithm or problems they solve are sometimes describes as a hard or intractable. This is often a measure of

45. Prototyping is a technique that?

46. The space factor when determining the efficiency of algorithm is measured by counting the:

47. To solve a certain problem, some of its procedures are executed on distinct machines, possibly across the world. We designed a(an)

48. The following are in distinct classes of declarative languages

49. Programming languages (PL) functions are designed to return a value: the values returned by PL functions are often passed in other functions or procedures:

50. We examine a program, executing and checking its instructions, so as to establish that it behaves as expected. We are doing


Welcome to your COMPUTER SCIENCE PAPER 1 2021

1. An information system that processes instructions immediately as they arrive is termed

2. In SDLC, the collection of information by means of interviews, questionnaires, observation and inspection of documents is an activity in

3. When a code is compiled the outcome is known as

4. In designing a database, which diagram is used to represent real world situation into forms that can be understood by the DBMS

5. How many computers can be used if we have 15 cables to put in a fullmesh topology?

6. A conversion method in which other modules are added incrementally is known as

7. In the extended ASCII code, how many bits do we need to represent the word COMPUTER?

8. Which activity is done at every stage of the SDLC?

9. The complexity of an algorithm is measured in terms of

10. An example of a universal gate

11. Another name for a record in a database is

12. The _______ locates and executes program instructions, carries out arithmetic operations and fetches data from storage and input devices

13. If the capacity of a disc is 25GB, how many CDs can be used to store this quantity given that one CD has a capacity of 700MB?

14. If the processor is executing a main program that calls a subroutine, then after executing the main program up to the CALL instructions, the control will be transferred to the

15. Which of the following allows users to use the computer simultaneously?

16. One of the following is NOT a memory performance parameter

17. Given that a node with two leaf nodes as children is deleted from a binary search tree, which note best replaces it in a strictly post-order tree transversal?

18. A mathematical model with a collection of operations defined over its values is called

19. A complete binary tree with 2n+1 nodes contains

20. A sort which searches through a list to exchange the first element with any element less than it and then repeats with a new first element at subsequent positions is called

21. The data structure required to evaluate a postfix expression is

22. The feature of the object-oriented paradigm which explicitly helps code reuse is

23. The main advantage of a multiprogramming system is

24. An object encapsulates

25. If a program in its functioning has not met user requirement in some way, then it is

26. Which of the following is not true of a stack?

27. Dequeue() operation is best known as

28. If there are no base cases in a recursive program, the program will

29. Which of the following is true of the characteristics of abstract data types? i. A type ii. A set of operations

30. Which of the following data structures can’t store the non-homogeneous data element?

31. It is a non-linear data structure?

32. The number of comparisons done by a sequential search is?

33. What will be the output in the following fragment? Integer k; For(k=0;k>9;k+=3) DISPLAY (‘’Hello’’);

34. The postfix form of the expression (A+B)*(C*D-E)*F/G is?

35. Virtual memory is

36. Concurrent processes are

37. Fragmentation is:

38. A set of instructions that access common shared resources and exclude one another in time is best referred to a

39. A key concept of quality control is that all products worked on

40. Which of the following data structures is used to hold jobs waiting to be run by the computer?

41. The term module in the design phase of the program development refers to

42. Which of the following is also known as pre- order traversal of a binary tree where a given node, has children left and right

43. In software engineering projects, what is informally called ‘’SOFTWARE’’ consists of a

44. Given that the state of the database no longer reflects a real state of the world that the database is suppose to capture, then such a state is called a(n)

45. Given that if objects focus on real world entities of interest, then we must be concerned with

46. A linear collection of data elements where the next node is given by means of a pointer is called

47. Software deteriorates rather than wears out because

48. A main technique to make a software package portable is to

49. In systems design we do the following

50. A factor in selection of a source language for program development is


Welcome to your COMPUTER SCIENCE PAPER 1 2022

1. Alternative sets of instructions could be used to solve a given problem. To do so quickly, in which of the following classes of machines should you select your machine?

2. Paul invented his job to done on machines when they are available, and to use hardware he could not afford to buy. It was the best he works on a:

3. It is used to provisionally hold bulky data to end from executing program for immediate use or for other processes. It is a

4. What is the result of the following in one’s complement notation? 01 110 101 -01 001 100

5. What is R in the following circuit diagram?

6. Which of the following corresponds to the truth table adjacent?
















7. Which of the following must be encodes in a machine’s instruction code?

8. A machine’s CPU takes arguments for its binary operations from a stack. Surely it is a

9. In immediate mode addressing of machines

10. It is said to exploit creativity to satisfy expert users to manage scenarios for profitable outcomes, which could also be recreational. It must be

11. It is a good repetitive task, organizes information for senior management to act one, typically using data from routine daily information. It must be

12. We use them to make sure our love ones are okay, to get information from various parts of the world, and even to track information in organizations

13. In handling data, which of the following is a brench of privacy?

14. Which of the following is a computer threat that affect network availability to authorized users?

15. In the early days of computing, operating systems evolved in the following order

16. Spatial database record

17. Some types of software must be used whenever we use a machine and so set up the environment in which to carry out machine as well as end user tasks. They are:

18. Which of the following compiler phases have ensure the programs instruction components are correctly put together

19. Joe an occasional user of his machine, avoids technical details and works mostly on his programs. Jill manages the technical details of the servers for many people, and often scripts specialised commands. It is the best for joe and jill to respectively use:

20. How does demand paged memory allocation differ from paged and segmented allocation

21. Suppose jobs J1, J2 and J3 require 8,5 and 2 units of time respectively to execute and a first come first served scheduling policy is which order should they arrive in order to ensure the smallest total wait time

22. Which of the following cannot be guaranteed to normalization?

23. In relational databases which one of the following is NOT true?

24. In relation to database integrity, data consistency means the data

25. Which of the following is most conveniently used to describe how data will eventually be treated in executing program units

26. Given the use of computers by employees, which last requires human intervention at the workplace?

27. It encodes data from channels to transmit over possibly long distances, before restoring to respective channels

28. Ngongsu at branch office has to research on a critical project and so must readily get information from organizations she trust. However, she must confidentially communicate her findings to Zoe head office. Overall, they are better off using

29. Data from computer was getting too fast to another, and sometimes too slowly. To harness this problem, Nchang thought the data sent must be;

30. In relation to database access which of the following is correct?

31. For a certain database , the box adjacent shows for each row attributes in the cell column (A) on which those in the right column (B) depend. Which sets of relations are in 3rd normal forms and use all the dependencies. If key attributes are underlined?





V, w, l


X, y



32. Assuming identifier names are of obvious meanings, the SQL query: SELECT dish FROM menu WHERE hotel stars >=3 AND town = Moh

33. In the relation R below each student has a unique Id and email address, a non-unique student name, and letter grades for courses (eseId) he/she took. Which set of relations is equivalent to R in the third normal form (3NF), if key attributes are underlined?

34. In order to print the nodes of the tree beside in ascending numerical order, how should it be traversed?

35. Which data type always requires an index to access it?

36. What input device might a multiple-choice questionnaire writer use to input completed forms into a computer?

37. Joe develops a software application from identified subtasks that have mostly been implemented. He only needs to work out how best to combine them into a working solution. The best design strategy to use is

38. What is the value of p at the end of the algorithm adjacent?

39. Programming languages (PL) functions are designed to return a value. The values returned by PL functions or procedures are returned

40. Semantics of a language describes how:

41. Meh is to set up an environment for students to learn on a given software application . he has to make sure the software runs as expected. It is best Meh consults its:

42. Which of the following is strictly speaking NOT part of debugging?

43. Waterfall model is not suitable for

44. Which of the following sorting algorithms is not divides and conquer type?

45. It helps the software developer’s understanding of what the user wants, some challenges to resolve, and the kind of software delivery to expect. The activity must be

46. Nde implemented sent messages within a program by sorting data memory an stating the order in which instructions are executed. For this task, he surely used a(n):

47. Which of the following is a functional requirement?

48. Which of the following is true about software verification?

49. A function is defined as follows

what is the value of f(-3, -3)?


50. We examine a program to make sure each of its components obtains the correct behavior from all the other components it must have


Welcome to your COMPUTER SCIENCE PAPER - 2023

1. What is the equivalent in hexadecimal representation of the decimal number 973?

2. Machines A and B execute independently. However, B sometimes asks A to stop and attend to certain concerns once it reaches a convenient execution point. What is the best option for machine B to use on A?

3. What are the total addressable lines for a 2M by 16 memory?

4. The logic gate that obtains a similar operation as the sum in the half adder is?

5. It is an advantage of using two’s complement

6. A computer’s type, processor and operating system define its

7. Which of the following corresponds to the truth table below?
















8. Which of the following best describes machines that must wait for all their data before their instructions could be executed

9. It is not a computer threat linked to loss of security

10. What is the result of the following one’s complement binary arithmetic? 011 111 101 + 110 110 111

11. Processes that are in main memory and are ready and waiting to execute are kept on a list called a(n)

12. Which of the following is/are true of parallel and distributed computing?

13. In the priority scheduling algorithm:

14. Before proceeding with its execution, each process must acquire all the resources it needs. This is described as

15. A technique of temporarily removing in-active programs from the memory of a computer systems is:

16. A problem encountered in multitasking when the process is perpetually denied necessary resources is:

17. One of the following is not a memory performance parameter.

18. Computer systems are comprised of____________

19. Which of the following layers has main functions as data formats, data encryption/ decryption, data compression/ decomposition?

20. Which of the following are media uses in data communication networks?

21. _________ is a technique that is used to unveil more than one call from a single line

22. When a bank offers web self-services to its customers in order to answer their questions, the primary outcome expected is to

23. A trial version of a program is firs implemented, and the version then modified into the desired target program. This approach to program development is best called

24. How many 128 x 8 ram chips are needs to provide a memory capacity of 2048 bytes?

25. A systems administrator ensures that:

26. The attribute, name, could be structured as an attribute consisting of first name, middle initial and last name. this type of attribute is called a

27. It describes instructions to build a database, instructions to manipulate data in a database, and rules and guidelines that ensure that the data used is a accurate and correctly reflects the organization, it must be

28. Ndive Mbua has to recommended a fourth-generation language or software tool to Ngwa Neba who needs to present very detailed company accounting reports to his boss. What should Ndive Mbua suggest?

29. The attribute AGE is calculated from DATE_OF_BIRTH. The attribute AGE is

30. Relations student (ID, Name, subject code, mark) and subject (subject code, subject name, syllabus) hold details of students and subjects, which attribute could serve as both a primary key and a foreign key?

31. A driver can drive three types of vehicles and a vehicle can be driven by any qualified driver. The driver-vehicle type relationship is?

32. Given that the processor is executing a main program that calls a subroutine, after executing the main program up to the CALL instruction, the control will be transferred to the

33. Using a debugger in order to examine a specific instruction that my program might execute, it is best that I use a

34. Bessem misunderstood the notion of computational complexity as;

35. In a programming project, Ngwe designed components called widgets that investigated components called wadgets and drew conclusions about their properties. Which programming language best matches the programming paradigm Ngwe should use?

36. A mathematical model with a collective of operations defined over its values is called

37. Which of the following represents the results of a first pass during bubble sort? Assume passes are from left to right, sorting is in ascending order and the initial data to sort is 25, 10, 30, 35, 25, 20

38. Given a sort which searches through a list to exchange the first element with why elements less than it and when repeats with a new first elements at subsequent position is called:

39. One of the following is NOT true about high level languages

40. What is the value of x at the end of the alogrithm pseudocode?

41. A computer word that has 16 hexadecimal digits of data. How many distinct memory addresses can its processor access?

42. Structured charts are a product of

43. In parallel algorithm design, when two or more processes have sufficient resources to execute but cannot do so because they are waiting for each other tp proceed, the situation is known as a:

44. Software deteriorates rather than wears out because:

45. In software development, writing information into a program code intended for humans to better understand how a program works, how it may be used or why it works is known as:

46. Which of these object-oriented programming features least supports software reuse?

47. A change over method in which the new system is put in place incrementally is called:

48. Parameters x and y of procedure h below are respectively passed by reference and by value, after all the call h(a,b) what values do variables a and b hold?

49. A main technique to make a software package portable is to

50. How many 128 x 8 RAM chips are needed to provide a memory capacity of 1020 bytes?

ICT PAPER 1 A/L- 2020

Welcome to your ICT PAPER 1 2020

1. Which of the following is the most likely to slow down a computer’s performance?

2. Which technology innovation characterized third generation computers?

3. Which of the following best describes the backup process of computer data in case of disaster

4. The expression B1216 + 5CA16 evaluates to:

5. Which of the following best assist students to improve on their ICT knowledge and educational standards

6. What is the full meaning of the following network type, VPN?

7. Which of the following is NOT true about tables?

8. Data transmission rate usually refers to:

9. A management information system is used to

10. Which of the following describes voice internet protocol (VolP)?

11. Quality developer is a company that writes programs to do specific jobs for other companies. These programs are called?

12. Which of the following is FALSE concerning file names?

13. Data integrity constraints are used to:

14. Choose from the following statements the one which is NOT a function of an operating system

15. Which of the following statement about software end user license agreement is True?

16. Which one of the following is NOT web browser?

17. A data transmission process which does not use start or stop bits or gaps is called:

18. An airline reservation system is an example of

19. An information system that represents information in a map form is called

20. The e-commerce domain that involves business activities initiated by the consumer that targets a firm is known as:

21. Which of the following is a rare option that when ant-virus detects an infected file?

22. In which aspect is the analog computer better than the digital computer

23. A network topology where network components are connected physically to the same cable trunk is

24. A data structure that stores homogeneous data element is:

25. A pile in which items are added at one end and removed from the other is called?

26. Which of the following is NOT a basic quality of information security?

27. An advantage of teleworking is, it

28. Which type of visual object is used to analyze and represent the tasks involved in completing a project?

29. A conversion technique in which the new system is introduced one part at a time is called:

30. Someone physically monitoring you while entering your pin code at the ATM without your consent is said to be:

31. The expression 00001011 + 00001110 evaluates to:

32. To be able to create, view, change or delete data on a computer system you will need:

33. A super market with a new inventory system will need what type of software in managing it?

34. Which one of the following is NOT a feature of electronic commerce?

35. User requirement in an information system can be verified by:

36. Which of the following information systems best assists managers to deal with transactions that cannot be answered by reports from operational or tactical systems?

37. The protocol used to send and receive electronic mails over the internet is:

38. The programming language that is characterized by use of mnemonics is?

39. Which type of software controls the allocation of resources and software on the computer?

40. Which of the following shows the sequence of the operation of the microprocessor?

41. The De- Morgan’s law for the logic OR states that 41. The De- Morgan’s law for the logic OR states that Ᾱ + B =

42. Which of the following best describes a fundamental purpose of project management?

43. Which of the following best describes a malware that would replicate itself and uses a computer network to send copies to other computers?

44. Which of the following device sends data packets only to a receiving device?

45. Which of the following best describes a document created with an application package which could be uses repeatedly by many users for similar purposes?

46. The buying and selling of stocks over the internet is called

47. If two users attempt to update the same record in a database

48. An advantage of a vector-bases graphic format is:

49. A cable with central glass tube covered with protective shield which transmit data using photons over long distances is:

50. Select the method that best describes a programming paradigm that uses modules containing both data and processing operations:

ICT PAPER 1 A/L – 2021

Welcome to your ICT PAPER 1 2021

1. Which of the following components of the computer can be used as both input and output device?

2. Which of the following is NOT true about databases

3. Which of the following is NOT a project management technique?

4. If the implementation of a new system is tried out only in a part of the organization, it is described as

5. Optical storage devices employ

6. The sped of a processor of an android phone is measured in terms of:

7. Encryption and decryption provides confidentiality but NOT

8. The transmission mode between a radio transmitter and a receiver is known as

9. Which of the following best describes mono tasking operating system?

10. The result of the arithmetic operation 1001101 + 111000 in binary is

11. The information system that does NOT generate any organized information is:

12. A stepwise refinement approach in system development is used in

13. One major benefit of using barcode is

14. The interactive transmission of data within a time-sharing system may be best suited by

15. A code written by a programmer is called

16. A cash dispenser which can also give a report of current balance in a customer’s account is an example of

17. Convert the decimal number 345 to binary

18. Which of the following registers carries the address of the next instruction to be executed by CPU

19. The importance of a query in a DBMS is:

20. A suitable information system for sales persons is

21. A tool used in SDLC to model a new system from a logical point of view is:

22. Which of the following is a step used in software development by prototyping

23. A precise report generated by an MIS to call for the attention of an unusual event to alert managers is called

24. The performance of a computer is mostly determined by

25. The general for of the IF statement is:

26. The system development model that does NOT allow overlapping of phases is called?

27. A URL is the full address for an internet resource. What does it specify?

28. System evaluation and feedbacks are key features of what phase of the SDLC

29. The IF – THEN is an example of a/an

30. How many DVDs of size 8GB capacity can be used to backup an 8 terabyte external hard disk?

31. Which of the following is NOT commonly associated with online learning?

32. Which of the following programming languages is NOT machine independent?

33. A type of virus that replicates itself within a system overload the system resources is

34. Which of the following is NOT a mobile operating system?

35. From the Gantt chart, one cannot easily identify

36. Which of the following can be used to validate a designed algorithm?

37. A software license that makes the source code available to anyone who wants to modify is

38. Which of the following is a risk associated to cloud computing?

39. Data is represented in CD-ROMs by

40. Which of the following is a limitation to E-commerce?

41. The principle of the data protection act (1998) is

42. Which of the following is NOT a basic requirement to set up online communication?

43. Arrange in order from fastest to slowest access time

44. A device that links many devices to a common channel

45. When part of a table depends on a field in the table that is not the table’s primary key, it is known as

46. Which of the following filling systems is commonly associated to 64 bits operating system?

47. A utility that optimizes the hard disk by putting some file content in a contiguous area is:

48. An application used by programmers to create source code, debug a code and manage the program is known as

49. Which of the following is NOT an internet connection option for mobile devices?

50. The use of online tutorials lessons to prepare for examinations is known as

ICT PAPER 1 A/L – 2022

Welcome to your ICT PAPER 1 2022

1. Which of the following is the fastest memory

2. Frequently used instructions by the CPU are stored in the

3. The suitable computer to execute many programs for hundreds of users at the same time performing relatively simple operations and transactions is

4. The maximum number of characters that can be represented by a computer that operates a 4 bits system is

5. ____________ is a network device that contains multiple signals for transmission on a single channel

6. Critical path of the PERT chart is:

7. The formal way to close a project is to

8. A laptop performance can be improved by?

9. An operation code with n bits will imply that there are_______ possible distinct operations

10. the main purpose of digital certificate is to

11. the binary equivalent of the octal number 625 is

12. An operation that is executed a number of times at different places in your algorithm can be extracted out and made into

13. A variable type which can conveniently store different elements of the same type under a single element is called

14. A software subject to copyright that users can download from the internet and use for free is

15. The use of ________ makes it easier to organize files in a logical way

16. A system that can predict weather condition is

17. The memory device that holds current date and time on your computer is called

18. Which of the following is a characteristic of broadband?

19. A real-time operating system is used in

20. An air reservation system is an example of

21. Data redundancy is a database anomaly that

22. Why is it necessary for an organization to adopt a good password policy?

23. Which of the following monitors incoming network traffic to prevent unauthorized attacks?

24. A network topology whose components are connected physically to the cable trunk is.

25. The logic gate with one input and one output is

26. Which of the following is NOT a feature of electronic commerce?

27. Which of the following describes instant messaging?

28. Quality developer is a company that writes programs do specific jobs for other companies. These programs are called

29. One important role of interface in design is

30. The stream of bits used to control the flow of data in asynchronous communication is called

31. 4AC16 + 9BF16 is equal to

32. The quality sound of a speaker is best determined by

33. Which of the following about an end user license agreement is true?

34. The rules governing the right of data subjects are called?

35. A malicious attempt such as a to make a web site unavailable to its intended users can be termed?

36. A tool in the internet that assist users to locate resources in the world wide web is

37. Which of the following is a good password policy for a n organization?

38. Which one of the following statements about Internet connection services is true?

39. One function of an operating system is

40. The 2s complement of a binary expression 1001 is

41. A format that best guarantees file quality is:

42. The recycler in the computer that recovers deleted files is an example of

43. An abstract structure that use FIFO is

44. __________ is a property of a programming language

45. The appropriate action to take to determine why a software is failing to give the required result is

46. A foreign key in a relation refers to

47. Which of the following is the best way to maintain a good posture when working with a computer

48. Which of the following is the descending order of data hierarchy

49. JavaScript can be embedded in an HTML page between?

50. The technique preferred to transfer large amount of data to and from a memory in a short time is

ICT PAPER 1 A/L – 2023

Welcome to your ICT PAPER 1 2023

1. The stored program concept states that:

2. Unwanted mails are known as:

3. A company is running a new computer system alongside the manual system. This is

4. The critical path is useful in project management in that it:

5. When we play an online game we are not:

6. A system that is capable of being run across different platforms is said to be:

7. The component that encrypts details of a network to outsiders is:

8. An organization responsible for establishing standards for computing devices is:

9. A software with fuli license to use, share but not to sell is;

10. In a complete mesh topology of n nodes, each node is directly connected to ________other nodes

11. A file format that cannot handle text data type is

12. An event that represents the completion of a group of related tasks in a project is called:

13. Why would a company choose to outsource the production of its own system?

14. A scenario in which two cars in opposite directions on a one-way bridge and none is ready to reverse is known in computing as:

15. A major mode of operation of a virus is:

16. The product I l l2 x 112 is:

17. In SDLC, feasibility studies is carried out in order to:

18. The following is a server side scripting language:

19. In mobile app development, XML is used to:

20. Below is the correct format of an email address:

21. The tag that does not define a section of a page:

22. USB stick uses a/an:

23. A processor architecture that processes multiple instructions at once:

24. Which of the following is not true about DVD?

25. The ALU is responsible for ________ instructions

26. A command structure mostly used in declarative programming languages is:

27. The quality of a dot matrix printer is given in:

28. When you buy from an online marketing platform (e.g Amazon), which of the following is NOT true:

29. A memory that needs frequent refreshing in order not to lose its contents is:

30. A device used for reading product information such as price from the code on the product is:

31. It uniquely identifies a computer in the internet

32. A malware that multiplies and makes a network slow is:

33. Which model of system development is not suitable to accommodate changes?

34. Communication in a ring topology is comparable to which mode of data transmission:

35. The equivalence of the decimal expression 512.125 in binary is

36. The logic expression ¯("A.B + A.B." ) simplifies to

37. A multiuser OS is one that permits:

38. The ring topology is said to be better than the bus and star in that:

39. The routines that are used for booting are found in the?

40. Between streaming video and email which of the following is NOT true?

41.___________is a function of an OS.

42. A sorting algorithm that compares two adjacent items and then swaps them, is

43. In algorithms, the statement x ← x+ 1

44. Why do local cable TV distributors use coaxial cables instead of twisted pair cables?

45. A graphical model showing the different tasks in a project and the relationships binding them is:

46. An Information System used by sales persons is

47. A technology that adds virtual features to real situation is

48. An error that makes a program's meaning or behavior to change from that intended by the programmer is

49. A method of programming which focuses only on the results is

50. which of the following is NOT the rule of a project manager?

ICT PAPER 1 A/L- 2024

Welcome to your ICT PAPER 1 2024

1. The size of the monitor is determined by the ______ of the monitor

2. Which of the following does not influence the processing ability of a computer?

3. A professional who gives advice on a set up of computers in a room is a/an

4. A system that can track the movement of animals in a forest area is

5. The security measure that converts information to unreadable form is

6. The i7 laptop that is mostly used today by students is classified as _______ computer.

7. An office door that is opened through eye scan is said to use

8. The act of modifying data from a remote position without authorization is known as

9. Which of the following does not imply presence of a virus in a computer?

10. Computer performance can be improved by:

11. The probable need for a computer that cannot output sound is

12. The quality of images in the computer can be improved by

13. The network in which signals are made to move direction is the

14. The unit in a CPU that performs binary operation is

15. Signal interference in data transmission is reduced by

16. The amount of data that flows in a network medium at a given moment is defined by the

17. Systems that collect data over a period of time before processing is done are known as

18. The organization of files in the local storage of a computer is caried out by the

19. A DBMS is classified as a/an

20. Instructions from the local storage get to the central processing unit through the

21. Which of the following text editor is suitable for programing

22. A programming language structured data type whose items can be accessed by an index

23. A feature in e-mail accounts that keeps unwanted mails coming from particular person is

24. A development strategy in which the final product is constructed from a model is

25. The steps on how to solve a problem are clearly stated. This programming paradigm is known as

26. A technique that results to independent sub programs that can work together to solve a problem is

27. A typical encryption algorithm makes use of

28. The network configuration is done at the

29. The function of a modem is to

30. Transmitted data in a network is secured by

31. The abstract data type that is defined by the head and a tail is the

32. A sign showing that the printer is effectively connected to a computer is

33. The internet stores information in

34. The best cable transmission medium for broadband communication is

35. The physical layout on how devices are connection in a network is called

36. An HTML script can be displayed to the user with the help of

37. A network cable is connected to a computer through

38. The role of a gateway in a network is to

39. In HTML, the tags ---- are used to

40. If the 1st character in the ASCII code is 00000001, then the code of the 74th character is

41. The meaning of instructions on the machine cycle can be derived at the ____ phase?

42. Which of he following is not a good characteristic of an algorithm?

43. The function defined as F(n)=F(n-1)+F(1) is

44. A code that cannot be modified by the programmer that is not only executable by the machine is

45. Which of these is a specific advantage of object-oriented programming?

46. The series of tasks that gives the shortest time that the project can be completed is known as

47. Which of the following is an activity in the design phase of the SDLC?

48. One cause of repetitive stress injury is

49. The system that is use to manage database is

50. To avoid redundancy in a large database


Welcome to your COMPUTER SCIENCE PAPER 1 2024

1. It uses the same instruction sequences o process in the same way large amounts of data streamed to it. At best it must be

2. Suh has data to process, at the same time, on powerful machines in various parts of the world. It is best he does this on a(n):

3. We seek it for long-term storage, temporary storage for executing instructions and data, and for sheer bulk. It is a:

4. What is the result of the following in ones complement notation? +10 110 001 – 10 001 010

5. Which of the following circuits corresponds to a reexpression of the Boolem formula?¯("(A .B )+A .B ?" )

6. Which of the following corresponds to the truth table adjacent?

7. What guides the machine on how to execute any instructions given it?

8. A machine CPU takes arguments for its binary operations from the accumulator. It surely is a:

9. In indexed mode addressing of machines:

10. It is used for work, for teaching and learning, without preliminary training, for instant feedback and suitable displays. it must be a(n)

11. It is good at repetitive tasks, a good replacement for humans in hostile environments. It must be

12. It is good for incidents reporting, tracking evolution over time, across distances, and must manage large amount of data

13. In handling data, which of the following is NOT a breach of privacy?

14. Which of the following is a computer threat that affects content owned by another?

15. Which of these terms from the early days of operating systems is most correctly defined?

16. Temporal databases record

17. It enables the independent reuse of program-level functionalities in other programs as they are readied for execution. They are

18. Which of the following compiler phases best work together so that strings of symbols are given the meaning expected of the program when executed

19. Mbu, a system administrator just want to navigate Google earth to locate some information for friends. On the other hand, Ngwe is new to systems administration and wants to learn. It is best for Mbu and Ngwe to respectively use

20. Which of the following makes it easier to swap locally executing code into memory?

21. In what circumstance(s) would it be best to use a shortest job first policy?

22. In which of the following scenarios would normalization NOT be of Help?

23. In relational databases which of the following is true?

24. It allows one to access, update and otherwise manipulate the data found in z DBMS

25. Which of the following is mostly conveniently used to specify the requirements of a program to develop?

26. It is used to make sure that management and others have needed data in tailored and well-presented forms. All in the organization can acquire is skills

27. It lets data from channels go over long distances, before possibly being resent to other devices

28. It lets one forward data to other networks in an internet, no matter how distant they are

29. Bisuh receives data from various parts of the world, in varying quantities and rates and, most critically, only when she is ready to handle the dat. Data transmission must be

30. In relation to database security, which of the following does Not detect or prevent threats

31. She physically realizes the design implementation, security and controls of the database system as well as the maintenance and performance of the operational system. She is certainly a

32. Assuming identifier names are of obvious meanings. The SQL query: SELECT author FROM booklist WHERE published >=5 livesln = ‘kom’

33. Which of the following statements is false? A relation is second normal form (2Nf) if:

34. Computing arithmetic expressions (from left to right) has to check operator precedence such as BEDMAS. To avoid this and execute them in transforming the expression using

35. Which of these data types is least suited to repeatedly process data in the same way?

36. In a small restaurant service, current clients, the day’s menu and drinks options are each given a 4-bit code. If half the client ID’s menu and drinks options are currently available, how many client food drinks triples can still be encodes?

37. A software application provides services and resources identified to mostly self-contained subtasks, with explicit interfacing for use of services and resources. The best design strategy to use is

38. An algorithm initially sets variables r and s 10 and 0. If r≥ it then subtracts 3 from r and adds 2 to s and repeatedly does so until r

39. What are the values of x and y just after h is last called, if its first call is h(10.17)?

40. Two variables in a code fragment can have the same name and be used without confusion because they have different

41. Sina wants to make sure a system software component he updated does not impede the functioning of other existing applications. It is best sina consult the system’s

42. We examine executed code to establish its execution patterns in order to make suitable corrections

43. In complexity theory, a hard problem is/has

44. In computability, the term semi-decidable means that in general at problem

45. It emphasizes the production of a working system that achieves the goals of the software

46. A high-level feature most convenient to use if a value is occasionally changed in implementations of a program is

47. Different components of a task could be executed independently at the same time, though one much fewer processors. For this, we designed a(n)

48. It has entities that interact via clear rules to communicate with each other, and to apply their influences on each other. The best programming language paradigm to use is

49. In programs, it holds values we access and is called by different names. But when we used it to communicate between self contained program units, we must call it

50. We examine software to make sure it conforms to the customer’s specified requirements. It must be