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Ministry of Transports (MINT)


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Head: NGALLE BIBEHE Jean Ernest Massena

The Ministry is responsible for the coordinated development of all transportation. It maintains and regulates the organization, and the functioning of air, rail, road and maritime transport.


The Minister of Transport is like the person who takes care of all the ways we travel and stay safe on the roads. They have important jobs to do:

  • They help make rules and laws about how transportation works.
  • They work to make sure our roads, trains, planes, ships, and other ways of getting around are safe and organized.
  • They plan and manage different types of transportation, like aeroplanes, trains, ships, and roads.
  • They make sure that everyone who works in transportation is trained well.
  • They watch over companies and groups that help with transportation, like airports and ports, to make sure everything is going smoothly.
  • They also look after important things related to flying and aviation safety.

Overall, this minister takes care of how we travel and makes sure we can do it safely and easily.

Ministry of Justice (MINJUST)


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Tel: (+237) 33 58 14 12 / (+237) 33 78 98 54

Head: ESSO Laurent

Decentralized Services: Prisons, The Regional Prison Administration Delegations

The Ministry of Justice in Cameroon is responsible for ensuring that the legal system operates effectively and efficiently in the country. The ministry oversees the administration of justice, including the courts, prisons, and law enforcement agencies. It also provides legal advice to the government and ensures that laws and regulations are properly enforced. The ministry’s main goal is to promote justice, protect the rights of citizens, and maintain law and order in Cameroon.


The Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals is like the big rule maker and protector of fairness in the country. They do many important things to make sure everyone is treated fairly and follows the right laws.

They write special rules called laws that help people know what’s right and wrong. They make laws about how people can become citizens, how the courts work, and how people are treated in the legal system. They also make sure that the jails and prisons are run properly and safely.

Imagine they’re like the boss of all the legal things. They work with other countries and groups to make sure the rules are good for everyone. They also watch over human rights and make sure that nobody is treated badly.


They have special friends called the National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms that they work with to protect people’s rights. They also make sure the judges and lawyers are doing their jobs well.

They’re like the guardians of justice in the country, making sure that everything is fair and right for everyone.


Ministry of Public Health (MINSANTE)


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Head: MANAOUDA Malachie

Organizations under Supervision:

  • La Centrale Nationale d’Approvisionnement en Médicaments Essentiels (CENAME)
  • Le Laboratoire National de Contrôle de Médicaments (LANACOME) ;
  • Le Comité National d’Epidémiologie (CNE)
  • Le Centre Pasteur du Cameroun (CPC)

The Ministry of Public Health in Cameroon is responsible for promoting and protecting the health of the population through the development and implementation of policies, programs, and services. Its main objectives include disease prevention and control, health promotion, and providing quality healthcare services to all citizens. The ministry collaborates with other stakeholders such as international organizations, NGOs, and the private sector to achieve its goals. It also oversees the training and development of healthcare professionals, regulating medical products and devices, and the management of health information systems.


The Minister of Public Health is like the health protector of the country. They do many important things to keep everyone healthy and safe.

Imagine the country is a big hospital. The Minister of Public Health helps make sure the hospital works well. They make sure there are enough doctors and nurses to take care of people. They also watch over special places where people go to get better when they’re sick.

They’re like health detectives too! They help stop big sicknesses from spreading around by doing special campaigns and giving people medicine to keep them safe. They even check that the medicine is good quality.

The Minister of Public Health also talks to other countries and groups to learn and share ways to stay healthy. They help train doctors, dentists, and other medical workers so they know how to help people the best way.

They have special friends called the World Health Organization that they work with to make sure everyone in the country stays healthy and happy.

The Prime Minister

Telephone: (+237) 222 238 005

Address: Immeuble Etoile, Boulevard du 20 Mai, Yaoundé


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Current Prime Minister: Joseph DION NGUTE

Departments and bodies attached to the Prime Minister:

Dénomination Date de


Date de


Dénomination Date de


Date de


Secrétariat Général Cabinet du PM  
CONAROUTE Programme National de Gouvernance
Cameroon Business Forum 2009 COCAN 2014
Cameroon Investment Forum 2007 2009  Conseil National du Tourisme 1999
Comité national de pilotage de la migration

de l’analogique au numérique (CAM-DTV)

2015 Conseil National de la Décentralisation  2004
Comité National de Désarmement,

de Démobilisation et de Réintégration (CNDDR)

2018 Conseil de Régulation et de Compétitivité  2004
Comité Paritaire de Suivi de la Stabilité des Incitations

à l’investissement privé au Cameroun

2013 Comité de contrôle de l’effectivité des investissements 2013
Programme de Modernisation de l’Administration publique

camerounaise par la mise en œuvre de la Gestion Axée sur les Résultats (PROMAGAR)

Comité de suivi des recommandations du Grand Dialogue National 2020
Observatoire National Anti-Corruption 2000 2006 Plan Présidentiel de Reconstruction et de Développement

des Régions du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest

Haute Autorité de la Fonction publique Conseil Stratégique de Négociation et de suivi des projets miniers structurants

Ministry of Trade (MINCOMMERCE)


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Contact: 222 222 884

Head: Luc-Magloire Mbarga Atangana

Organizations under Supervision: Consumer Products Supply Regulation Mission, Caisse de Stabilisation des Prix des Hydrocarbures, Office National du Cacao et du Café

Partners: AFRIMET, Agence des Normes et de la Qualité, Bureau international des poids et mesures, CICC – Conseil Interprofessionnel du Cacao et du Café, CIDC – Centre Islamique pour le Développement du Commerce, Conseil National des Chargeurs du Cameroun, Direction Générale des Douanes, Fonds de Développement des Filières Cacao et Café, GUCE – Guichet Unique des opérations du Commerce Extérieur, Organisation internationale de métrologie légale, Organisation Internationale de Normalisation, Organisation Mondiale du Commerce, Port autonome de Douala


The Minister of Trade is like a captain of trade in our country. Here’s what they do:

  • They make plans to help Cameroonian products become popular and successful.
  • They decide on the prices of things we buy and ensure they’re fair.
  • They make sure there are enough important things we use.
  • They find new places where Cameroonian things can be sold.
  • They make sure the things we make are high quality and safe to use.
  • They make sure that businesses follow the rules and compete fairly.
  • They talk to other countries to make agreements about trading.
  • They help our things compete and do well in other countries.
  • They make sure the things we buy and sell follow the rules and standards.
  • They watch out for how prices change and ensure we’re not spending too much.
  • They make sure the products we use are stored and delivered safely.
  • They supervise organizations that help with rules for things we buy and use.
  • They help Cameroon trade better with other countries and work with international groups.

Imagine them as the trade captains, ensuring everything is fair and works smoothly.

Ministry of State Property, Survey and Land Tenue (MINDCAF)


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Organizations under Supervision: MAETUR, SIC

Projects: PAMOCCA (Projet d’Appui à la modernisation du Cadastre et à l’Amélioration du Climat des Affaires et du cadre de vie des populations du Cameroun)


Tenure is like a guardian of the land and property in our country. Here’s what they do:

  • They create rules and plans for how land and property should be used and owned.
  • They manage and take care of land that belongs to the government and to private individuals.
  • They make sure that the use of land follows the rules and that nobody takes land that doesn’t belong to them.
  • They help the government get land it needs for important projects.
  • They take care of both movable (like things you can move, such as equipment) and immovable (like land and buildings) government property.
  • They make and manage maps that show where land and property are located.
  • They study and make plans for different areas of land to be used properly.
  • They work with other ministries to plan how land should be used in towns and rural areas.
  • They supervise an organization that helps with planning and developing land in cities and rural areas.


Think of them as a protector of land and property, making sure everything is fair and follows the rules.

Ministry of Industries, Mines and Technological Development (MINMIDT)


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Head: FUH Calistus GENTRY

Organizations under Supervision: Société Nationale d’Investissement (SNI), Agence des Normes et de la Qualité (ANOR), Agence de Promotion des Investissements (API), Office National des Zones Franches Industrielles (ONZFI), Chambre de Commerce, de l’Industrie, des Mines et de l’Artisanat (CCIMA), Mission d’Aménagement et de Gestion des Zones Industrielles (MAGZI)

Partners: ONUDI

Plans and Projects:

Dénomination Date de création Durée prev
CAPAM (Centre d’Appui et de Promotion des Activités Minières) 2003
PRECASEM (Projet de Renforcement des Capacités dans le Secteur Minier) 2012 2017
Processus de Kimberley 2011
APROCOM-PH (Projet d’Amélioration de la Productivité et de la Compétitivité de la filière Palmier à Huile) 2007 2014
Plan directeur d’industrialisation
 Comité National du Codex et de la Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments (CNCOSAC) 2008
Infrastructure Nationale Qualité
Schéma National de la Qualité


The Minister of Industry, Mines, and Technological Development is like a leader who helps our country with industries, mining, and new technology. They do many important things to make sure our country grows and gets better:

  1. Mining and Resources: 
  • They make maps of where we can find valuable things like minerals, oil, and gas.
  • They explore the ground to find these valuable things.
  • They make sure we use these resources wisely and make good things from them.
  • They take care of the natural resources we have, like minerals and gas.
  1. Industries and Factories:
  • They help local businesses make products.
  • They create special places called industrial zones where factories can be built.
  • They encourage people to invest money in businesses to help them grow.
  • They make plans for our country to make more things and become stronger.
  1. Technology and Quality: 
  • They work with smart ideas and new technology to make our country more advanced.
  • They make sure the things we use are good quality and safe, like the products we buy.
  • They protect special ideas and things people create.
  1. Helping Other Groups:
  • They watch over some important groups that help with industries and resources.
  • They talk to other countries and groups to share and learn new things.

They’re like a big helper to make our country’s businesses, resources, and technology better, so we can have a great future.

Ministry of Planning, Programming and Regional Development (MINEPAT)


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Head: Alamine OUSMANE MEY

Organizations under Supervision:

Dénomination Date de création Date fin de tutelle
IFORD (Institut de Formation et de Recherche Démographique)  1971
IPD (Institut Panafricain pour le Développement)
ISSEA (Institut Sous-régional de la Statistique et d’Economie Appliquée)
SEDA (Société d’Etudes pour le Developpement de l’Afrique) 1974 199x
MAGZI (Mission d’Aménagement et de Gestion des Zones Industrielles)


The Minister of Economy, Planning, and Regional Development is like a big planner for our country. They have three main jobs: economic stuff, planning, and making regions better.

Here’s what they do in each part:

  1. Economic Stuff:
  • They make plans for how the country can use money to make things better.
  • They make sure all the plans fit together and make sense.
  • They work with other countries and groups to get money and help for our country’s projects.
  • They watch how money and the economy are doing, and they help decide what to do next.


  1. Planning: 
  • They create big plans for how our country should grow and improve over a long time.
  • They study how many people we have and how they can work together for a better future.
  • They help make sure we have enough people with the right skills for different jobs.
  1. Making Regions Better:
  • They look at different parts of our country and figure out how to make them better places to live and work.
  • They make rules and guidelines for how different areas should develop and grow.
  • They check if the plans for each region are working well and make changes if needed.

They also watch over some groups that help with numbers and information, and they work with other countries and organizations to get things done. They’re like the big thinkers and planners to help our country become a better place for everyone!

They have a helper called Minister Delegate in charge of Planning.

Ministry of Finance (MINFI)


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Head: Louis Paul MOTAZE

Organizations under Supervision: DSX (Douala Stock Exchange), CENADI Centre National de Développement de l’Informatique, CAA Caisse Autonome d’Amortissement, CADEC Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, SRC Société de Recouvrement des Créances, Credit Foncier du Cameroun, Fonds Routiers, BEAC, ANIF (Agence Nationale d’Investigation Financière)


Training Centres:

Dénomination Objet Date


Ecole Nationale d’Administration et de Magistrature – ENAM Cadres des régies financières 1961
Institut Supérieur de Management Public – ISMP 1985
Institut de l’Economie et des Finances-Pôle Régionale de Formation des Régies Financières de l’Afrique Centrale (IEF-Pôle Régionale) de Libreville (Gabon)
Programme supérieur de spécialisation en finances publiques  – PSSFP 2013
Institut Supérieur des Finances Publiques du Cameroun  – ISFPC  Future étape du PSSFP 


Dénomination Création Dissolution
Plan National Informatique 1989
CTPL Commission Technique de Privatisation et de Liquidation des Entreprises Publiques 1997
CTR Commission Technique de Réhabilitation des Entreprises Publiques 1997
Programme régional de réforme fiscalo-douanière en Udéac 1991
Commission nationale de réforme fiscale 1994
Commission nationale de réforme douanière 2002
Programme de sécurisation des recettes domaniales, cadastrales et foncières 2004
Commission de réforme fiscalo-douanière Avr 2007 Nov 2007
Comité National de la Microfinance (CNMF)
Conseil National du Crédit
Comité National de la Dette Publique (CNDP) 2008
Comité Technique National de la balance des paiements 1989
 CMF (Commission des Marchés Financiers) 2001
Emprunts Obligataires 2010
PARIF (Plan d’action en vue du Renforcement de l’Intermédiation Financière)
Recensement du personnel de l’Etat – assainissement du fichier solde
Comité de pilotage des Réformes des Finances publiques 2009


The Minister of Finance is a bit like the money boss of the country. They have lots of important jobs to do with money and budgets.

Imagine the country’s money is like a big puzzle. The Minister of Finance helps put the puzzle pieces together. They plan how the government can spend money on things like schools, roads, and hospitals. They also think about saving money for the future.

They keep an eye on taxes, which are like coins people give to the government. They make sure everyone follows the money rules. They also watch how money comes in and out of the country.

The Minister of Finance talks to other countries and groups to make sure the country’s money is safe and used wisely. If there are problems with money, they work to fix them.

The Minister of Finance isn’t alone. They have a team of helpers who work with them. Together, they make sure the country’s money is used in the best way possible.

Ministry of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (MINPMEESA)


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BP: 6096, Yaoundé,

Contact: +237 222 224 528


Creation Date: December 2004

Organizations under Supervision: Agence de Promotion des Pme (APME), La Bourse de Sous-traitance et de Partenariat (BSTP), Banque camerounaise des PME (BCPME)


Domaine Dénomination Programme Date entrée
 Facilitation  e-regulations 2011
Regroupements d’associations Confédération Nationale des Artisans du Cameroun (CNAC) 2003
Corps National des Artisans
Structures d’appui locales APIC
Espaces Métiers
FEICOM Appui des communes/promo artisanat 2013
Structures étrangères et internationales IRCOD
Union Européenne



Dénomination Date de

1ère édition

Journées Nationales des PME 2011
Salon International de l’Artisanat du Cameroun (SIARC) 2008
Journées Nationales  de l’Economie Sociale 2013
Journée de l’incubé 2019
Pitch Hub Africa Cameroun 2017 Annuelle


The Minister of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Social Economy, and Handicrafts is like a helper for small businesses, people who make things by hand, and those who want to start their businesses. Their job is to make sure these businesses and activities grow and become successful.

Here’s what they do:

  • They encourage and take care of small businesses and people who make things by hand, like crafts.
  • They help people who used to work in informal jobs to learn new skills and start their small businesses or make crafts.
  • They support the idea of businesses that help the community and make it better.
  • They want people to be creative and start their businesses, so they encourage that.
  • They help these small businesses and craftspeople show their products to everyone, so more people can see and buy them.
  • They work with groups that have information about these businesses so that people who want to invest or help them can find out more easily.
  • They promote and support crafts made by hand, like special arts and crafts.
  • They keep an eye on groups and organizations that help small businesses and craftspeople.
  • They watch over groups that represent small businesses and crafts, making sure they are doing well.
  • They pay attention to how jobs are changing and help people who want to learn new things.
  • They look at ways to help people get information and training if they work in jobs that are not official.


So, the Minister helps small businesses, craftspeople, and people who want to start their own businesses to grow and do well, making the country better and more creative.