Welcome to your COMPUTER SCIENCE PAPER 1 2021
1. An information system that processes instructions immediately as they arrive is termed
2. In SDLC, the collection of information by means of interviews, questionnaires, observation and inspection of documents is an activity in
3. When a code is compiled the outcome is known as
4. In designing a database, which diagram is used to represent real world situation into forms that can be understood by the DBMS
5. How many computers can be used if we have 15 cables to put in a fullmesh topology?
6. A conversion method in which other modules are added incrementally is known as
7. In the extended ASCII code, how many bits do we need to represent the word COMPUTER?
8. Which activity is done at every stage of the SDLC?
9. The complexity of an algorithm is measured in terms of
10. An example of a universal gate
11. Another name for a record in a database is
12. The _______ locates and executes program instructions, carries out arithmetic operations and fetches data from storage and input devices
13. If the capacity of a disc is 25GB, how many CDs can be used to store this quantity given that one CD has a capacity of 700MB?
14. If the processor is executing a main program that calls a subroutine, then after executing the main program up to the CALL instructions, the control will be transferred to the
15. Which of the following allows users to use the computer simultaneously?
16. One of the following is NOT a memory performance parameter
17. Given that a node with two leaf nodes as children is deleted from a binary search tree, which note best replaces it in a strictly post-order tree transversal?
18. A mathematical model with a collection of operations defined over its values is called
19. A complete binary tree with 2n+1 nodes contains
20. A sort which searches through a list to exchange the first element with any element less than it and then repeats with a new first element at subsequent positions is called
21. The data structure required to evaluate a postfix expression is
22. The feature of the object-oriented paradigm which explicitly helps code reuse is
23. The main advantage of a multiprogramming system is
24. An object encapsulates
25. If a program in its functioning has not met user requirement in some way, then it is
26. Which of the following is not true of a stack?
27. Dequeue() operation is best known as
28. If there are no base cases in a recursive program, the program will
29. Which of the following is true of the characteristics of abstract data types? i. A type ii. A set of operations
30. Which of the following data structures can’t store the non-homogeneous data element?
31. It is a non-linear data structure?
32. The number of comparisons done by a sequential search is?
33. What will be the output in the following fragment? Integer k; For(k=0;k>9;k+=3) DISPLAY (‘’Hello’’);
34. The postfix form of the expression (A+B)*(C*D-E)*F/G is?
36. Concurrent processes are
38. A set of instructions that access common shared resources and exclude one another in time is best referred to a
39. A key concept of quality control is that all products worked on
40. Which of the following data structures is used to hold jobs waiting to be run by the computer?
41. The term module in the design phase of the program development refers to
42. Which of the following is also known as pre- order traversal of a binary tree where a given node, has children left and right
43. In software engineering projects, what is informally called ‘’SOFTWARE’’ consists of a
44. Given that the state of the database no longer reflects a real state of the world that the database is suppose to capture, then such a state is called a(n)
45. Given that if objects focus on real world entities of interest, then we must be concerned with
46. A linear collection of data elements where the next node is given by means of a pointer is called
47. Software deteriorates rather than wears out because
48. A main technique to make a software package portable is to
49. In systems design we do the following
50. A factor in selection of a source language for program development is