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Welcome to your ECN 2022 - Gynaecology

51. Which of the following conditions is a clinical manifestation of the syndrome fetal alcoholism

52. A sexually active 30-year-old woman has some lesions on her genital area you suspect as a chance. The characteristics diagnostic sign that

53. A 50-year-old woman presents with complaints of vulvar pruritus. Examination reveals thin, atrophied skin with irregular stellate white lines over the entire vulva. The most likely diagnosis is:

54. A 34-year-old pregnant woman G3P2, close to term, presented with complains to back pain lasting one day. Examination revealed a 3cm dilated cervix. An injection of an analgesic was given, which helped relieve the pain. An hour later, the patient suddenly developed hypotension and tachycardia. The most likely diagnosis is:

55. Which of the following is a complication of intravenous oxytocin?

56. A 45-year-old asymptomatic woman is found to have a 1.5 cm indurated ulcer on her cervix during a routine examination. The best management would be:

57. Sore breasts in a 14-year-old girl with irregular periods can be caused by which of the following?

58. A 34-year-old woman has firm, tender nodules located along the uterosacral ligaments. The most likely diagnosis is:

59. All but one of the following may be present in preeclampsia; which one?

60. A 20-year-old primigravid woman in her 8th week of pregnancy has nausea and vomiting every morning. Which of the following is the most associated with this condition? High levels of:

61. Which of the following conditions is most associated with the face presentation?

62. The most common cause of anemia associated with pregnancy is;

63. A 24-year-old woman goes in labor. You notice on the fetal monitor a repeated late deceleration of the fetal heart. Which of the following conditions would be the most common cause of this?

64. A 22-year-old sexually active woman has fever, dysuria and a foul-smelling vaginal discharge. examination reveals pain on palpation of the adnexa and on mobilization of the cervix. What is the most likely diagnosis?

65. Pre-eclampsia occurring before 20 weeks gestation suggests which of the following conditions?

66. During pregnancy there is an increase in the size of the uterus …………………….

67. A 35-year-old woman whose first child has anencephaly asks you about the risk of having another child with anencephaly. A correct answer would be which of the following statements?

68. Puberty is initiated by changes in which of the following organs?

69. A 32-year-old woman wants to become pregnant. She would have an increased risk of all but one of the following conditions; which one?

70. The most preventable cause of small pregnancy for gestational age is:

71. Human in vitro implantation usually follows fertilization of the egg in approximately:

72. Which of the following conditions poses the greatest risk of fetal death in a mother with diabetes?

73. In a patient with a congenitally absent uterus and tubes, which of the following should be considered? Did the following fail to develop?

74. The exact sequence of embryo development follows which of the following?

75. A 59-year-old postmenopausal woman presented with a 1-month history of per vaginal bleeding. On speculum examination, the cervix appears normal and there is no vaginal discharge. What is the single most appropriate diagnostic test?

76. Congenital toxoplasmosis can be partially prevented during pregnancy by all but of the following means; which one?

77. Genital TB occurs most often in which of the following spaces?

78. The characteristics features of ovarian disease include all but one of the following; which one?

79. A 24-year-old woman complains of amenorrhea for 4 months. Examinations reveals normal uterine size and well-developed cervical mucosa. Which of the following procedures is the best diagnostic method to use?

80. The first-time ultrasound can detect fetal heart movements is at weeks gestation

81. The most characteristics symptom of climacteric is which of the following?

82. Among the following manifestations, the most common symptom of ovarian carcinoma is:

83. Puerperal morbidity is most often caused by which of the following conditions?

84. A pap smear from a sexually active woman reveals multiple cells. Which of the following cellular characteristics suggests malignancy?

85. A 31-year-old primiparous woman has full cervical dilation for 4 hours and has been punishing for 1.5 hours. The fetal head is an occiput posterior position 4cm below the sciatic spine.

86. A 37-year-old woman presents with a 3-month history of menometrorrhagia. She has been on the oral contraceptive pill.

87. A 32-year-old multiparous woman is fully dilated for 1 hour and the CTG shows variable decelerations.

88. A 26-year-old woman presents with amenorrhea of 7 weeks, vaginal bleeding, and mild right lower abdominal quadrant pain. Her periods have been consistently irregular. On examination, the uterus is normal size and palpation of the right lower abdominal quadrant is painful. Her P-HCG level the day before was 1100mm1U/m1

89. Investigation of a young woman with dysuria, vaginal discharge and pelvic pain

90. A 23-year-old nulligravid stopped her contraceptive pills to conceive. She got her period after the last box of pills and was then in amenorrhea for 7 months. She is also in very good health

91. A 14-year-old girl with normal sexual development has been complaining of amenorrhea for 5 months. Her first period was 10 months ago and she has 3 periods since then. What is the single most likely diagnosis?

92. An obese 59-year-old woman presents with post-menopausal bleeding. She had regular periods until 3 months ago. General examination and speculum revealed no abnormalities. A vaginal ultrasound reveals endometrial thickening. What is the single most likely diagnosis?

93. A 17-year-old high school girl presented one week before her exams with missed periods, recurrent abdominal pain with colic and diarrhea. The general examination was normal as well as the blood tests. The pregnancy test is negative. What is the single most likely diagnosis

94. A 32-year-old woman who is 19 weeks pregnant presents with severe nausea, vomiting and heavy vaginal bleeding. On examination the uterus is enlarged for the duration of the pregnancy. What is the single most likely diagnosis?

95. A 37-year-old para 3 +1 woman who is 34 weeks pregnant presents with fresh, painless vaginal bleeding of approximately 150 cc in volume. What is the single most likely diagnosis?

96. A 40-year-old woman has a prenatal triple serum market test. The alpha. Fetoprotein and estriol levels are low but the hCG level is twice normal. What is the single most likely diagnosis?

97. A 40-year-old woman’s smear comes back positive for CIN II. What is the most appropriate single management?

98. A 45-year-old woman reports changes in her nipple. On examination, there are scaly, erythematousPatches on and around the inverted nipple. On squeezing the nipple, a serosanguineous discharge appears. What is the single most likely diagnosis?

99. A 40-year-old woman with a 34-week pregnancy has a blood pressure of 160/100mmHg that was discovered incidentally during the prenatal visit. She refuses having a blurred vision. There is no proteinuria and there is no evidence of peripheral edema. What is the most appropriate single management?

100. A six-week pregnant woman presents with right pelvic pain she has not yet had an ultrasound for this pregnancy. There is no vaginal bleeding, she presents to the emergency department at 2am with a blood pressure of 100/60mmhg and a pulse of 80/min. what is the most appropriate single management?

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