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ECN 2022
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Welcome to your ECN 2022 - Surgery

1. Postoperative pancreatitis is observed with a higher frequency after bile duct surgery. However, it can also be associated with which of the following?

2. A 24-year-old man is receiving anticoagulation therapy. The preferred method of assessing warfarin anticoagulation is by the measurement of which of the following?

3. The most common symptom of rectal and recto sigmoidal cancer is:

4. The incorrect statement about osteoporosis is:

5. A 22-year-old man in a car accident, taken to the emergency room. Examination reveals engorged neck veins, paradoxical pulse and a blood pressure of 60/10mmhg. The most likely diagnosis is:

6. What is the best management for this patient?

7. All of the following statements are true about a urethral injury except one; which one?

8. A 12-year-old boy complains of pain, tenderness, and swelling of the lower end of the femur. Examination reveals limitation of motion. 8. The most likely diagnosis is:

9. All of the following statements about this tumor are true except one; which one?

10. A 35-year-old man with burns on his body is brought to the emergency room. How much fluid will you give him over 24-hour period?

11. Hypospadias is associated with which of the following?

12. In a series of gastrointestinal radiographs, an enlargement of the duodenal sweep with downward and rightward displacement is often significant of which of the following conditions?

13. When performing a saphenous vein ligation for varicose veins, one of the following veins that you do not ligate is the

14. The cause of traumatic subdural hematoma is often:

15. A patient with a gastro-jejuno-colic fistula suffers from rapid weight loss and diarrhea. These symptoms can most likely be attributed to which of the following?

16. Of the following nerves, one that is most commonly injured in a shoulder dislocation is:

17. Death within 48 hours following a massive pelvic fracture is most likely to result from which of the following?

18. A 41-year-old man is admitted to the hospital following a car accident in which he hits chest forcefully against the steering wheel of the car he was driving. His chest x-ray on admission shows an enlarged mediastinum. The most likely diagnosis of the man’s condition is:

19. Surgery is indicated for prostate adenoma when:

20. Splenectomized individuals are at risk of severe bacterial sepsis. Among the following bacteria, which species is particularly threatening to these subjects?

21. Intestinal obstruction in the elderly suggests all but one of the following etiologies. Which one is it?

22. Which of the following statement is true about patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding

23. Which of the following is related to peptic ulcer disease?

24. A 48-year-old diabetic patient was admitted with diabetic ketoacidosis. On examination, there is a fluctuating erythematous mass over a small ulcer on the left foot that is probably the cause of his diabetic ketoacidosis. What is the best initial management after resuscitation of the patient?

25. A 45-year-old man presents to the emergency room with history of coffee colored vomiting. He also reports that for the past 2 days his stool has appeared darker than usual. Which of the following is the most sensitive indication of the severity of his gastrointestinal bleeding?

26. Complete anuria observed after total colostomy for profuse bleeding diverticula is most likely due to:

27. Which of the following statements about pseudocysts of the pancreas is not true?

28. Which of the following statements is not true of a truncal vagotomy for duodenal ulcer disease?

29. Eight hours after being involved in a motor vehicle accident, a patrolman admitted to the hospital presents with a 400/0 pneumothorax. A chest tube is placed immediately. Which of the following is the least likely reason for placing the chest tube?

30. Which of the following is the most likely effect of pericardial tamponade following penetrating injuries?

31. Four weeks after a closed reduction of a shoulder dislocation treated with proper immobilization, the deltoid muscle is atrophied and there is an area of anesthesia at the level of deltoid insertion. The most likely cause of this problem is:

32. The most likely reason for transaction of the recurrent laryngeal nerve during thyroid lobectomy is that:

33. Twelve hours after a cholecystectomy, a patient develops a high fever at 40 degree Celsius, the most likely cause of the fever is;

34. Following a gunshot wound to the upper third of the arm, a patient shows atrophy of the thenar eminence and inability to flex the distal phalanx of the index finger in addition to other signs. He most likely sustained an injury:

35. One of the following injuries most commonly characterized by the sudden onset of a complete inability to actively extend the thumb interphalangeal joint as a late complication is:

36. A patient is hospitalized with a severely crushed pelvis. He is a in a state of profound shock. One of the following procedures that is most likely of little or no help in assessing the intact integrity of the genitourinary tract is:

37. A police officer was stabbed several times in the abdomen. Examination twenty minutes later revealed a painless abdomen on palpation with several oblique puncture holes through the rectus abdominis sheaths and the anterior abdominal wall. A probe could be passed through the holes with slight difficulty. Of the following proposals, subsequent treatment would be:

38. A patient falls down the stairs of his office building. He is a bit dizzy but gets up and goes home. Two hours later, he becomes drowsy and develops left hemiplegia. You see him three hours after the accident. 11 is now comatose and has a scalp contusion. The method of treatment should be:

39. In intravascular coagulation of thrombosis, the factor that is not important is:

40. some effects follow the establishment of an arteriovenous fistula between the femoral vessels. One of the following that is not such an effect is:

41. A 22-year-old man has complained for the past three weeks of epigastric pain two to three hours after meals. He is relieved of the pain by food and alkaline products but has pain at night. For the past week, he has been vomiting mostly at night. A series of gastrointestinal x-ray reveals a small pyloric ulcer niche with considerable gastric retention at five hours and 24 hours. Initial preferred treatment is:

42. Which of the following is essential for the diagnosis of vesicoureteral reflux?

43. Common complications of a neurogenic bladder include which of the following conditions?

44. Which of the following is a true statement regarding a ureteral injury?

45. The best way to assess a 15-year-old boy who came to the hospital for a scheduled tonsillectomy is by:

46. A 37-year-old man suddenly develops paraplegia. What possible cause would be the strongest reason for immediate surgical intervention?

47. ………………. Is associated with delayed gastric emptying

Question 48 to 50: a 62-year-old man comes in with complaints of basic abdominal pain of the cramping type on the left side followed by bloody diarrhea. Examination reveals a febrile patient with mild abdominal distension and pain on palpation but without any peritoneal signs 48. The most like diagnosis is

49. The most likely diagnostic investigation to confirm the diagnosis is:

50. The likely predisposing factor or associated condition in this case includes:

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