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ECN 2022
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Welcome to your ECN 2022 - Pediatrics

41. A healthy infant becomes severely dyspneic and apneic after the first feeding. The most likely diagnosis is.

Questions 42 to 43: a newborn present with severe constipation, abdominal distension and occasional bile-stained vomiting. 42. The most likely diagnosis for this newborn is:

43. The diagnosing is best made by performing:

44. A webbed neck, short stature and coarctation of the aorta are characteristics ………. Syndrome.

45. A 6-month-old child presents with a history of coughing, sneezing and runny nose. Examination reveals bilateral wheezing. A chest x-ray shows hyper-distension. The most likely diagnosis is.

46. A new born suffers a brachial plexus injury during a difficult delivery. Which of the following conditions most commonly accompanies brachial palsy?

47. Signs of dermatomyositis include all but one of the following: which one?

48. In addition to the classic triad of asthma symptoms of wheezing, cough and dyspnea, which of the following is not a trigger for an asthma attack?

49. The causes of fetal hydrops include all but one of the following; which one?

50. A month-old child who is doing well but has an enlarged head circumference and suture separation is most likely to have which of the following conditions?

51. A week-old baby is diagnosed with pyloric stenosis. What is the most likely electrolyte disorder in this case?

52. The Apgar score measures the following parameters except for one, which one?

53. Prevention of bilirubin encephalopathy or kernicterus is one of the goals of proper diagnosis and treatment of hyperbilirubinemia. Which of the following mechanisms has a role in preventing these adverse outcomes?

54. A girl’s grandmother reports that she is sure her granddaughter will be left-handed like her. At which of the following ages is the regular use of a dominant hand established?

55. A 6-year-old boy is passing brown urine and has healing impetigo lesions. He presents with hypertension, dyspnea, periorbital edema and hepatomegaly. The most likely cause of this problem is?

56. A 5-year-old boy is observed to have awkward gait and mild scoliosis. When he rises from the ground, he uses his hands to pull his legs up. What is the single most likely diagnosis?

57. A 7-year-old child, unvaccinated because of his parents’ religious beliefs, develops malaise, cough, head cold, and conjunctivitis associated with high fever. Examination of his mouth reveals whitish-blue spots on a red background next to his second molars. The next day he develops an erythematous, nonpruritic, maculopapular rash at the hairline and behind the ears that spreads over his body. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

58. A 3-year-old boy with a history of current respiratory infections presented with worsening shortness of breath. On examination, there is a systolic tremor at the left lower sternal border, a pan-systolic murmur, and an accentuated second heart sound. Which of the following conditions is the most likely diagnosis?

59. A 9-year-old boy presents with conjunctivitis and a maculopapular rash. The rash started on the head and spreads downward. The following conditions, the most likely diagnosis is.

60. A 6-month-old child screams in pain and becomes pale and shocking with clammy skin. Examination reveals a mass and emission of blood and mucus per rectum. The most likely diagnosis is?

61. Muscular dystrophy can best be diagnosed by which of the following tests?

62. The cardinal manifestations of Sturge weber syndrome include all but one of the following; which one?

63. Juvenile polyps are mostly found in what part of the intestines?

64. A 10-year-old girl with a history of epigastric pain who has vomited several times is brought to the emergency room after vomiting a large amount of a coffee-brown substance. The best investigation to make would be:

65. Useful investigations to make the diagnosis of apnea in a newborn include all but one of the following: which one?

Question 66 to 67: a 5-year-old boy who had gone to the field for a picnic suddenly develops wheezing, bradycardia, profuse salivation and constricted pupils. 66. The most likely diagnosis is:

67. Which of the following medications is the best for this child?

68. Wilsons disease is characterized by all of the following except one; which one?

69. In newborns, toxoplasmosis can manifest itself in which of the following conditions?

70. A 16-month-old child had a temperature of 40.30C for 3 d days. He had no physical abnormalities. On the fourth day of his illness, the temperature returned to normal but the child had a discrete pink macular rash. The most likely diagnosis for this child is:

71. Which of the following is the most common cause of macrocytic anemia?

Question 72 to 74: For the presentation described below, select the only appropriate support from the list of options. 72. History of seizure. The child should receive DPT, haemophilus influenzae, etc.

73. A 2-year-old boy was developing well but now has decreases hearing. Motor function is normal

74. A 3-year-old with persistent hoarse voice

Instructions: question 75-76: for each case described below, choose the single most appropriate viral infection from the options provided 75. A 2-year-old boy presents with fever, severe sialorrhea, and a swelling of mass on the left side of the neck

76. A 5 year old child develops diarrhea, nausea and vomiting one day after returning from school trip

Question 77 to 78 A 15-month-old child develops diarrhea. The stools are large, pale, frothy and foul smelling. These symptoms developed gradually after the addition of wheat to the diet 77. The most like diagnosis for this situation is:

78. The condition is best addressed by which of the following?

79. A 4-year-old girl has difficulty sleeping and short attention span. She has itching in the vulvar and anal areas. The most like diagnosis is:

80. All of the following statements about ascariasis are correct except one; which one?

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