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Ministry of Tourism and Leisure (MINTOUR)



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Head: Maïgari BELLO BOUBA

Training Centres: Ecole Régionale d’Hotellerie et de Tourisme de la CEMAC de Ngaoundéré, Ecole de Faune de Garoua

Organizations under Supervision: Conseil National du Tourisme, Commission Technique Nationale des Établissements et Agences de Tourisme, Hotel SAWA de Douala, Hotel Mont Febé de Yaoundé


The Minister of Tourism and Leisure is like the boss of all the fun and travel things in the country. Their job is to make sure people have a great time when they visit different places and do fun activities.

Here’s what they do:

  • They create rules and plans for things like places to visit and fun places like amusement parks.
  • They come up with ideas to make tourism and fun things better and more exciting.
  • They want people to explore and enjoy their own country, so they help people discover cool places to visit inside the country.
  • They make a list of all the cool places people can go to and have fun, like beautiful tourist spots and fun amusement parks.
  • They make sure hotels, restaurants, and fun places are nice and treat people well.
  • They want amusement parks to be super fun, so they encourage them to be awesome places to play.
  • They set rules to make sure hotels, restaurants, and fun places are safe and good for people.
  • They check if places where people stay and have fun are following the rules.
  • They help people learn about jobs in tourism and hotels, so they can work and make visitors happy.
  • They talk to groups of people who love tourism and want to help the country have more visitors.
  • They watch over what other countries are doing for tourism and fun, and they work with them to make things even more exciting.

The Minister also takes care of special hotels that are owned by the government and schools where people learn how to work in tourism and hotels.

So, the Minister of Tourism and Leisure makes sure people have a fantastic time when they travel and play, and they help the country become a super fun and exciting place to visit.

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