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4 Core Values To Drive The Success Of Your Business

Your core values are woven into the tapestry of your business. They affect how others perceive your organization and whether they will do business with you or not. The values of any enterprise are a reflection of its leadership team. They serve as the foundation for success.

No one knows this better than Ryan Daily, CEO of Bereans, Inc. Daily was appointed by the founders and majority shareholders of Bereans, Inc. to address the lack of affordable and adequate housing using sustainable, environmentally-friendly materials and construction techniques. His vision is to develop a sustainable and scalable solution to the housing shortage.

The only way Daily can uphold his goals and values for the housing shortage is by always doing the right thing. Doing what’s right is the backbone of his business and the underlying core value in all he does.

Here, Daily shares four core values that have helped him drive the company’s success.

1. Do the right thing.

Success isn’t a guarantee — it’s the by-product of consistently steering your ship in the right direction. “It’s doing the right thing for the right reasons every time,” Daily advocates, emphasizing the importance of integrity in decision-making. In his experience, integrity pays off in dividends. Almost all (91%) business leaders believe your ability to build and maintain trust improves your bottom line.

Integrity builds trust and strengthens your reputation. It creates an ongoing stream of referrals from customers and employees.

The leadership team at Bereans leverages talents and experiences not just for personal gain but also from a sense of obligation to utilize these gifts for the greater good. At Bereans, it’s not just about building homes; it’s about recognizing the need and answering that call with a sense of responsibility. It’s the simplicity in lending a hand where it’s needed over making decisions based solely on profit margins … it’s doing the right thing for the right reasons.

2. Hire the right people.

Daily explains, “Resist being a jack of all trades. Instead, surround oneself with skilled individuals excelling in their specialized domains.” Most importantly, let them do their job. Give your employees the autonomy to thrive in their respective areas of expertise.

According to Harvard Business Review, employees want flexibility by way of autonomy. The article describes three parts of self-determination: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Autonomy in the workplace is being in charge of how, when, and where you work — it’s being trusted that you’re competent in your ability to get the job done, so you’re given the freedom to call the shots. Competency and relatedness refer to the level of mastery of relevant skills and a sense of belonging or social cohesiveness.

Together, these create a synergy of diverse talents working together toward a collective vision.

3. Provide the right support.

Often, the leadership team is recognized for the achievements of the organization. But it’s more often the unsung heroes that drive the financial engine. While leadership orchestrates and strategizes, it’s the dedicated workforce who truly make a difference.

Daily advocates “supporting the ‘bean’ producers, not the counters.” He believes the more support you can provide to your workforce, the better off your company will be financially. The people on the ground drive revenue — they’re often the face of your company. The people who interact with your customers. When they thrive, your entire organization thrives.

Providing the resources necessary to do the job boosts worker engagement. Companies with an engaged workforce are 21% more profitable. Here are a few ways business leaders can support their employees:

  • Ask questions and listen to the answers. It all starts with honest communication. Let your employees know they’ve been heard by following through, whether that’s acknowledging what’s been said or providing a resource that’s needed. Develop keen listening skills. Validate your employees’ concerns and requests.
  • Motivate your employees. Build personal connections with your staff to motivate and inspire them to do their best work. Recognize them for the work they do. Statistics show that 77.9% of employees would be more productive if they were recognized by their employers more frequently.
  • Offer skills training opportunities. Employee development includes more than hard skills. Offer training in leadership and management. Provide coaching and mentoring services. What you offer depends on what your employees want (see above — ask the questions and listen to the answers).

4. Develop the right mindset.

Daily describes the objectives of Bereans as a “Herculean task” they’re trying to conquer. He states, “It’s not about being a superhero; it’s about a collective mindset that no challenge is insurmountable for all of us together.”

The core principle revolves around utilizing everyone’s unique skills for a common goal and — more importantly — developing the mindset that anything is possible. Each person brings unique expertise, forming a mosaic of skills that amplifies the team’s collective strength. It’s the understanding that individual specialities create a formidable force.

Success isn’t a solitary journey; it’s a collaborative venture that thrives on the foundation of these core values. It’s about acknowledging that greatness is not achieved in isolation but through the synergy of diverse talents and unwavering commitment to doing what’s right, even when it’s tough. This synergy and commitment are collectively known as honour and loyalty, which is the result of dedication to our core values. Success and greatness are inevitably the byproducts.

Source: Forbes


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