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S. Korea Donates Solar Power Systems to Cameroon’s Water and Energy Ministry

(Business in Cameroon) – Ten regional offices of Cameroon’s Ministry of Water and Energy, located in the Center and Far North regions, are now equipped with solar photovoltaic mini-power plants. These solar systems were donated by South Korea and officially received on September 4, 2024, according to Cameroon Tribune, the state-owned daily newspaper.

The solar energy equipment, installed by the South Korean company Berco Technology, is expected to provide continuous power for the ministry’s staff. This reliable energy supply will undoubtedly improve their performance across various areas, as noted by the Minister of Water and Energy, Gaston Eloundou Essomba.

In Cameroon, frequent power disruptions are often mentioned by businesses and government agencies as a key challenge to productivity. With this donation, South Korea is helping to ease that burden for the affected ministry offices.

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