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Italy Tops G7 as Cameroon’s Largest Importer with CFA198bn Annually

(Business in Cameroon) – From 2019 to 2023, Italy imported an average of CFA198 billion worth of goods from Cameroon each year. According to the National Institute of Statistics (INS), this makes Italy the leading buyer of Cameroonian goods among the G7 countries, which include the world’s most industrialized nations: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Italy surpasses France, which imported an average of CFA185.4 billion annually from Cameroon during the same period. The United States rounds out the top three, purchasing just over CFA73 billion in goods yearly.

Germany follows with average annual imports of CFA37.5 billion, then the United Kingdom with CFA35.6 billion, Canada with CFA20.4 billion, and Japan with CFA4.1 billion.

Overall, Cameroon’s exports to the G7 countries totaled CFA2,770 billion between 2019 and 2023. Crude oil made up 47% of these exports, followed by liquefied natural gas (12%), sawn timber (8%), cocoa paste (8%), raw aluminum (7%), and raw rubber (7%).

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