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Bamenda Gas Filling Center Near Completion, Delivery Expected in 2024

(Business in Cameroon) – Construction of the Bamenda domestic gas filling center in Cameroon’s North-West region is now 85% complete. During a recent visit by Cameroonian parliamentarians, officials confirmed that the remaining equipment had already arrived at Douala Port.

Okié Johnson Ndoh, Director General of the Hydrocarbon Price Stabilization Fund (CSPH), which is investing CFA6 billion in the project, reassured that the center will be operational by the end of 2024, as originally planned.

This facility is expected to make domestic gas more accessible to Bamenda and surrounding areas. Currently, the regulated price for a 12-kg gas cylinder is CFA6,500, but due to transportation costs from Bafoussam, prices in Bamenda often rise to CFA8,500. In times of political tension in the Anglophone regions since 2016, prices have spiked to as much as CFA15,000.

The center aims to reduce these costs and improve the supply of gas. It will also promote environmental sustainability by reducing reliance on firewood for cooking. With a daily filling capacity of 200 metric tons, the center will ensure a steady supply of gas to the region.

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