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Ministry of Urban Development and Housing (MINHDU)

View Kamer Profile: MINHDU

Contact: 222 21 72 12 / 222 21 99 32

Head of Ministry: Mme Célestine COURTES née KEUTCHA

Organization under Supervision: Société Immobilière du Cameroun (SIC)

Strategies, Commissions and Programs:

Dénomination Date de début Date de fin
Programme d’Urgence Triennal 2015-2018 2015
Programme National de Formation aux Métiers de la Ville (PNFMV)
Commission Consultative nationale de l’Urbanisme et de l’Habitat 1973
PPAB – Programme Participatif d’Amélioration des Bidonvilles
Stratégie Sectorielle de Développement Social (SSDS)
Stratégie de développement du Secteur Urbain (SDSU)
C2D Urbain
Projet de Développement des Villes Inclusives (PDVI)
Projet de Développement des secteurs Urbain et de l’approvisionnement en Eau (PDUE)
Programme d’appui aux capacités décentralisées de développement urbain (PACDDU)
Programme de Gouvernance Urbaine (PGU)


The Minister of Housing and Urban Development is like the person who takes care of where we live and how our cities grow. They have a big job to make sure our homes and cities are great places to live. Here’s what they do:

For Housing:

  • They make plans to make homes better in both the city and the countryside.
  • They help make sure that everyone has a safe and comfortable place to live.
  • They check that houses meet the right standards for safety and quality.

For Urban Development:

  • They make strategies to plan and organize towns so they grow in a good way.
  • They work on ideas to make cities better, like adding parks and making traffic flow better.
  • They plan how to build and manage things like roads, water systems, and electricity in cities.
  • They help make busy city centres look beautiful.
  • They make sure towns follow rules for keeping things clean and healthy.
  • They talk to other countries and groups about how to make cities better together.

They also watch over groups of architects, town planners, and surveyors who help with these jobs. It’s like they’re the city and housing protectors, making sure we have great places to live and grow!

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