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Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection (MINEPDED)


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Head: Pierre HELE

Organizations under Supervision: Observatoire National des Changements climatiques (ONACC)

Other Organizations in the Industry: FEDEF (Fondation pour l’Environnement et le Développement au Cameroun)

Projects, Programs: PNGE (Plan Nation de Gestion de l’Environnement), PSFE (Programme Sectoriel Forêt et Environnement), PRECESSE (Projet de Renforcement des Capacités Environnementales et Sociales du Secteur de l’Energie), CHM, BCH, Mangrove, Jacinthe d’eau, Sahel vert, COAST (Monitoring environmental changes in coastal areas), Programmes des actions prioritaires, CAPECE (Projet de renforcement des capacités dans le secteur pétrolifère du Cameroun), Comité Interministériel pour l’Environnement, Comité MAB (Comité Permanent de l’Homme et de la Biosphère), Stratégie nationale de gestion des déchets


The Minister of the Environment, Nature Protection, and Sustainable Development is like the person who takes care of our environment and the animals and plants that live in it. They have an important job to do:

  • They make rules and plans to make sure we smartly use our natural resources so that we don’t use them all up and harm the environment.
  • They work with other ministries and groups to come up with ways to take care of our environment and manage things like pollution.
  • They create plans to protect the environment in different areas, and they work with other ministries to make sure these plans are followed.
  • They watch over the actions of organizations that help with the environment, both regionally and internationally, and they work with the Ministry of External Relations to make sure everyone is cooperating.
  • They make sure that big projects are being done in a way that doesn’t harm the environment.
  • They share information with the public to help people get involved in protecting and taking care of the environment.
  • They work on agreements with other countries to protect the environment and nature, and they make sure these agreements are followed.
  • They take care of the National Observatory on Climate Change, which helps us understand and deal with climate change.


They’re like the protector of our environment, making sure we use our resources wisely and keep our planet safe for the future.

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