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Ministry of Communication (MINCOM)


Head: René Emmanuel SADI

Other Organizations in the same Industry: Conseil National de la Communication, Conseil National de la Publicité (CNP), Commission Nationale de la Carte de presse, Comité de pilotage de la Cameroon Digital Television project (CAM-DTV)

Organizations under Supervision: CRTV, SOPECAM, IMPRIMERIE NATIONAL, CPE

Training Centres: ESSTIC

The Ministry of Communication in Cameroon is responsible for managing and regulating the country’s communication systems, including telecommunications, broadcasting, and print media. Its main goal is to ensure that all citizens have access to reliable and accurate information, while also promoting the development of the communication sector. The ministry works closely with media organizations and other stakeholders to promote freedom of expression and protect the rights of journalists. It also plays a key role in promoting government policies and programs to the public through various forms of communication.

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