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Ministry of Trade (MINCOMMERCE)


View Kamer Profile: MINCOMMERCE

Contact: 222 222 884

Head: Luc-Magloire Mbarga Atangana

Organizations under Supervision: Consumer Products Supply Regulation Mission, Caisse de Stabilisation des Prix des Hydrocarbures, Office National du Cacao et du Café

Partners: AFRIMET, Agence des Normes et de la Qualité, Bureau international des poids et mesures, CICC – Conseil Interprofessionnel du Cacao et du Café, CIDC – Centre Islamique pour le Développement du Commerce, Conseil National des Chargeurs du Cameroun, Direction Générale des Douanes, Fonds de Développement des Filières Cacao et Café, GUCE – Guichet Unique des opérations du Commerce Extérieur, Organisation internationale de métrologie légale, Organisation Internationale de Normalisation, Organisation Mondiale du Commerce, Port autonome de Douala


The Minister of Trade is like a captain of trade in our country. Here’s what they do:

  • They make plans to help Cameroonian products become popular and successful.
  • They decide on the prices of things we buy and ensure they’re fair.
  • They make sure there are enough important things we use.
  • They find new places where Cameroonian things can be sold.
  • They make sure the things we make are high quality and safe to use.
  • They make sure that businesses follow the rules and compete fairly.
  • They talk to other countries to make agreements about trading.
  • They help our things compete and do well in other countries.
  • They make sure the things we buy and sell follow the rules and standards.
  • They watch out for how prices change and ensure we’re not spending too much.
  • They make sure the products we use are stored and delivered safely.
  • They supervise organizations that help with rules for things we buy and use.
  • They help Cameroon trade better with other countries and work with international groups.

Imagine them as the trade captains, ensuring everything is fair and works smoothly.