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Ministry of Social Affairs (MINAS)

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Contact: 222 22 29 58

Current Head: Mme Pauline IRENE NGUENE née KENDECK

Partners: CNRPH (Centre National de Réhabilitation des Personnes Handicapées Cardinal Paul Emile Leger), UNICEF


Programme ou projet
Début Fin
PRECESSE – composante 2 ( lutte contre l’exclusion sociale des Populations Autochtones Vulnérables dans le cadre des Grands projets) 2009 2012
Protection Spéciale de l’enfance
EDR – Enfants de la rue
Maison des âges
CRPH (Centre de Réhabilitation des Personnes Handicapées) de Maroua
Commission nationale pour la protection de l’enfance en danger morale, délinquante ou abandonnée 1990


The Minister of Social Affairs is like a caring guardian for people who need extra help and protection in our country. Here’s what they do:

  • They work to prevent problems and help kids who are having a tough time or getting into trouble.
  • They make sure people who might be left out or treated unfairly get the help they need to be part of the community.
  • They fight against bad things like child trafficking and abuse.
  • They make sure children who are in difficult situations are looked after and protected.
  • They also help the elderly, disabled, and people struggling with addiction.
  • They make sure everyone has a chance to be part of society and get support when they need it.
  • They watch over schools that train people to help others and take care of places that help those in need.

Imagine them as a protector and helper for those who need someone to look out for them.

Ministry of Decentralisation and Local Development (MINDDEVEL)

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Contact: (+237)  222 213 992

Current Head: Georges ELANGA OBAM

Organisations under Supervision: FEICOM, CEFAM, NASLA, BUNEC

Other Organisations within the Structure: PNDP – Programme National de Developpement Participatif, Association des Communes et Villes et Unies du Cameroun (CVUC)


The Ministry of Decentralisation and Local Development is like a helper for making sure different areas of our country can take care of themselves better. Here’s what they do:

  1. For Decentralisation:
  • They help make rules for how local areas should work and make decisions.
  • They check if these rules are being followed and help local places do better.
  • They also help with things like recording important events in people’s lives.
  • They work closely with the President to make sure the government helps local areas.
  1. For Local Development:
  • They encourage places to become better in terms of jobs, money, and how things are managed.
  • They promote good ways of making decisions in local areas.

They watch over groups that help with these things, like a fund for local support and training centres. Imagine them as the ones who help our country’s different parts become stronger and more self-sufficient.

Ministry of Public Contracts (MINMAP)


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Contact: 88 20 06 06 / 222 22 63 90 / 222 23 70 84 / 242 00 16 96

Current Head: Ibrahim Talba Malla

Oragnisations under Supervision: ARMP (Agence de Régulation des Marchés Publics)

Programs and Projects: COLEPS (Système électronique de passation

des marchés publics du Cameroun)


The Minister Delegate at the Presidency of the Republic in Charge of Public Contracts is like the organizer of important agreements between the government and companies. Here’s what they do:

  • They ask different companies to compete for projects, like building things or providing services.
  • They choose which company is best for the project and make sure they do the work well.
  • They also help with the money part of the projects by working with other parts of the government.

Imagine them as the ones who make sure the government gets the best deals and that projects are done the right way

Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife (MINFOF)


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Current Head: Jules Doret NDONGO

Organizations under Supervision: ENEF (Ecole Nationale des Eaux et Forets de Mbalmayo)


The Minister of Forestry and Wildlife takes care of our forests and the animals that live in them. Here’s what they do:

  • They create plans to protect special areas where animals and plants live, called protected areas.
  • They make sure our forests are taken care of and kept safe.
  • They count and protect animals and plants in our country.
  • They come up with plans to grow new trees and make sure our forests are healthy.
  • They make sure people follow the rules for using forests and wildlife, and if they don’t, they can give them penalties.
  • They create and take care of places where special plants are grown, called botanic gardens.
  • They make sure we follow international rules for taking care of forests, wildlife, and hunting.
  • They work with groups that know a lot about trees and forests.
  • They watch over organizations that help protect forests in our region.

Think of them as the protectors of our forests and the creatures that call them home. They make sure everything is in balance and taken care of for the future!

Ministry of Public Works (MINTP)


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Current Head: Nganou Djoumessi

Organizations under Supervision: ENSTP, LABOGENIE, MATGENIE



The Ministry of Public Works is like the caretaker of the buildings and roads that we all use. Here’s what they do:

  • They make plans to take care of and fix public buildings, roads, and other important structures.
  • They work with experts to study and build things that fit well with our environment.
  • They help make sure that buildings and roads are safe and follow the right rules.
  • They help with the building and maintenance of roads, including city roads.
  • They watch over groups of professionals who help with engineering and construction.
  • They make sure the people who work in public works are trained and skilled.

Think of them as the protectors of our important buildings and roads, making sure they’re safe and well-kept for everyone to use!

Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MINTSS)

Head of Ministry: Grégoire OWONA

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Organizations under Supervision: CNPS, ONT

Committees, Commissions: Commission Nationale Paritaire des Conventions Collectives et des Salaires

Training Center: CRADAT


The Minister of Labour and Social Security is like the person who makes sure everyone at work is treated fairly and has support. Here’s what they do:

  • They make rules to protect workers and make sure their rights are respected.
  • They help with social security, which means they make sure people have help when they’re sick, need money, or retire from work.
  • They make sure the laws about work are followed, including ones from other countries that we agreed to follow.
  • They talk with groups of workers and bosses to make sure everyone is happy and treated well.
  • They also work with big groups like the United Nations to learn and share ideas about work and how to make it better.
  • They watch over special organizations that help with social security and support for workers.

Think of them as the guardians of fair work and support, making sure everyone is safe and treated right at their jobs!

Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation (MINRESI)


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Head of Ministry: Mme Madeleine TCHUENTE

Organizations under Supervision:

  • ANRP (Agence Nationale de Radio-protection)
  • IRAD (Institut de Recherche Agricole pour le Développement)
  • IMPM (Institut de Recherches Médicales et d’Etudes des Plantes Médicinales)
  • INC (Institut National de Cartographie)
  • MIPROMALO (Mission de Promotion des Matériaux Locaux)
  • CNE (Centre National de l’Education)
  • CNDT (Comité National de Développement des Technologies)
  • IRGM (Institut de Recherches Géologiques et Minières)

Days Celebrated:

  • 2nd February – World Safer Internet Day
  • 31st March – World Data Backup Day
  • 17th May – World Telecommunications and Information Society Day
  • 9th October – World Post Day


The Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation is like the person in charge of helping us discover new things and create new ideas. Here’s what they do:

  • They make sure that scientists have what they need to do their research and come up with new inventions.
  • They share the cool things scientists find with everyone, so we can use them to make our country better.
  • They work with other countries to learn from them and share our discoveries.
  • They keep an eye on new technologies and ideas from around the world to help our country stay updated.
  • They also look into traditional medicine and how it can help us stay healthy.
  • They watch over special groups and places that help with research and technology.

It’s like they’re the leaders of discovery and innovation, helping our country grow and learn.

Ministry of Urban Development and Housing (MINHDU)

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Contact: 222 21 72 12 / 222 21 99 32

Head of Ministry: Mme Célestine COURTES née KEUTCHA

Organization under Supervision: Société Immobilière du Cameroun (SIC)

Strategies, Commissions and Programs:

Dénomination Date de début Date de fin
Programme d’Urgence Triennal 2015-2018 2015
Programme National de Formation aux Métiers de la Ville (PNFMV)
Commission Consultative nationale de l’Urbanisme et de l’Habitat 1973
PPAB – Programme Participatif d’Amélioration des Bidonvilles
Stratégie Sectorielle de Développement Social (SSDS)
Stratégie de développement du Secteur Urbain (SDSU)
C2D Urbain
Projet de Développement des Villes Inclusives (PDVI)
Projet de Développement des secteurs Urbain et de l’approvisionnement en Eau (PDUE)
Programme d’appui aux capacités décentralisées de développement urbain (PACDDU)
Programme de Gouvernance Urbaine (PGU)


The Minister of Housing and Urban Development is like the person who takes care of where we live and how our cities grow. They have a big job to make sure our homes and cities are great places to live. Here’s what they do:

For Housing:

  • They make plans to make homes better in both the city and the countryside.
  • They help make sure that everyone has a safe and comfortable place to live.
  • They check that houses meet the right standards for safety and quality.

For Urban Development:

  • They make strategies to plan and organize towns so they grow in a good way.
  • They work on ideas to make cities better, like adding parks and making traffic flow better.
  • They plan how to build and manage things like roads, water systems, and electricity in cities.
  • They help make busy city centres look beautiful.
  • They make sure towns follow rules for keeping things clean and healthy.
  • They talk to other countries and groups about how to make cities better together.

They also watch over groups of architects, town planners, and surveyors who help with these jobs. It’s like they’re the city and housing protectors, making sure we have great places to live and grow!

Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training (MINEFOP)

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Contact: 222 20 45 79 / 222 20 45 68

Head of Ministry: Issa TCHIROMA BAKARY

Organizations under Supervision: FNE, PIAASI, ONEFOP, COSUP

Partners: KOICA, UE, Contrat C2D

Training Centres:

Centre Région Date ouverture Date de fin
CNFFDP (Centre National de Formation des Formateurs et de Développement des Programmes) National 2023
Institut de Formation des Formateurs et de Développement des Programmes (INFFDP) de Yaoundé CE 2015
CFPE (Centres de Formation professionnelle d’Excellence)
CFPE Douala LT 2016
CFPE Sangmelima CE 2016
CFM (Centres de formation aux métiers)
CFM Ebebda CE
CFM Maroua EN
CFM Bandjoun OU
Centres de Formation Professionnelle Rapide 
CFPR Yaoundé CE
CFPR Douala LT 2012
CFPR Garoua NO
Centres de Formation Professionnelle Rapide des Employés de Bureau et de Métiers Industriels


The Minister of Employment and Vocational Training is like a job helper. Their job is super important for making sure people have good jobs and learn new things. Here’s what they do:

  • They make plans to help people find jobs and learn skills.
  • They study how jobs and the job market are changing to make sure everyone can find work.
  • They create programs to teach people new skills for their jobs.
  • They make sure schools and training programs teach things that are useful for jobs.
  • They help people who lost their jobs by teaching them new things.
  • They talk to businesses to understand what kind of workers they need.
  • They watch over training programs to make sure they work well.
  • They take care of a special fund that helps people find jobs.

Imagine them as a job superhero, working to help everyone have good jobs and learn things to be successful in the working world!

Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection (MINEPDED)


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Head: Pierre HELE

Organizations under Supervision: Observatoire National des Changements climatiques (ONACC)

Other Organizations in the Industry: FEDEF (Fondation pour l’Environnement et le Développement au Cameroun)

Projects, Programs: PNGE (Plan Nation de Gestion de l’Environnement), PSFE (Programme Sectoriel Forêt et Environnement), PRECESSE (Projet de Renforcement des Capacités Environnementales et Sociales du Secteur de l’Energie), CHM, BCH, Mangrove, Jacinthe d’eau, Sahel vert, COAST (Monitoring environmental changes in coastal areas), Programmes des actions prioritaires, CAPECE (Projet de renforcement des capacités dans le secteur pétrolifère du Cameroun), Comité Interministériel pour l’Environnement, Comité MAB (Comité Permanent de l’Homme et de la Biosphère), Stratégie nationale de gestion des déchets


The Minister of the Environment, Nature Protection, and Sustainable Development is like the person who takes care of our environment and the animals and plants that live in it. They have an important job to do:

  • They make rules and plans to make sure we smartly use our natural resources so that we don’t use them all up and harm the environment.
  • They work with other ministries and groups to come up with ways to take care of our environment and manage things like pollution.
  • They create plans to protect the environment in different areas, and they work with other ministries to make sure these plans are followed.
  • They watch over the actions of organizations that help with the environment, both regionally and internationally, and they work with the Ministry of External Relations to make sure everyone is cooperating.
  • They make sure that big projects are being done in a way that doesn’t harm the environment.
  • They share information with the public to help people get involved in protecting and taking care of the environment.
  • They work on agreements with other countries to protect the environment and nature, and they make sure these agreements are followed.
  • They take care of the National Observatory on Climate Change, which helps us understand and deal with climate change.


They’re like the protector of our environment, making sure we use our resources wisely and keep our planet safe for the future.

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